Example sentences of "[vb infin] [that] [pron] did n't " in BNC.

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1 She would tell Robert that and let him know that she did n't need to be treated as though she were completely helpless .
2 So when I was actually pregnant , although it would be fairer on me and the baby and everybody concerned if I did have an abortion , he made me know that he did n't really want me to have one .
3 It 's just that we did n't know that I did n't hear what she said .
4 What did they know that I did n't ?
5 ‘ Then let's trust that they did n't see you .
6 You 'd much prefer that I did n't . ’
7 ‘ How could I explain that I did n't have the money to go ?
8 What did it matter that she did n't know what to say to him ?
9 A few moments ago I could swear that you did n't hate me . ’
10 And Dinda said she needed a filling , a re-filling actually and she said it 's the first that she 's been to a dentist that she could remember that she did n't notice the needle coming in , part she hates is the needle in the gum .
11 I could see that they did n't expect them to have much effect .
12 ‘ You can see that he did n't give himself the time to finish it .
13 In fact , ’ she went on when she could see that he did n't seem overly impressed , ‘ in fact , my parents are expecting me home today . ’
14 But Ace could see that she did n't sound or look as totally convinced as her words .
15 It was awfully sporting of IBM Corp to set up consultancy , systems integration and facilities management ventures in an attempt to put to profitable use the surplus skills of so many of its employees , and only curmudgeons asked if IBMers were actually the right people for the job : sad to say , the curmudgeons were right , and according to Computerworld , the head of the new IBM Consulting Group in White Plains , New York , Robert Howe , says that it is having to hire people from the likes of Andersen Consulting and Coopers & Lybrand , because as he told the paper , ‘ we 've tried IBMers , but frankly we 've had to send some home — some IBM people did n't get the notion of the service business — they did n't understand that we did n't want administrators and middle managers ’ .
16 She would never understand that you did n't get the stick for being late these days .
17 Her children could n't understand that she did n't want a different life .
18 Why could n't they just understand that she did n't want to be married and settled with umpteen kids and a mortgage up to the sky and no life to call her own ?
19 One must realize that they did n't travel .
20 It made me realize that I did n't want to share Bourani with anyone .
21 What made you decide that you did n't have a vocation ? ’
22 I could quite appreciate that she did n't want that .
23 What do we have that we did n't used to have ?
24 Only too conscious of the depth of passion simmering in him , and conscious too of her crumbling resistance and his vow that nothing would happen that she did n't initiate , she took a deep , shaky breath and got into the car , shutting the door firmly behind her .
25 But how does it happen that you did n't know they were leaving ?
26 Just because they were n't revolutionary does n't mean that they did n't have the potential to become revolutionary
27 Do you mean that he did n't have a permanent job ?
28 ‘ Where 's Marie gone ? ’ demanded Gazzer , his agitation making him forget that you did n't talk like that to sick , old people .
29 It would seem that they did n't use such a device . ’
30 To this severe driving home of the issue in pursuit of crisis and clarity , Stavrogin might fairly reply that he did n't create himself lukewarm .
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