Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv prt] again in [art] " in BNC.

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1 THE LIGHTS will soon go on again in the memorial gardens at Walton on the Naze , following a dispute between Tendring District Council , Frinton and Walton branch of the Royal Air Forces Association , and Walton 's Royal British Legion about the cost of floodlighting .
2 ‘ Perhaps I may come down again in the spring .
3 The subject of rue Roland did not come up again in the course of the evening until Loretta was stepping into a taxi for Islington outside the restaurant .
4 So they asked me to go away and come back again in a week which gave me breathing space and time at least to learn it properly .
5 Erm on the basis that er we were , when we were setting the , the targets , the time was set by the work study personnel erm and then the operator was able to obtain a trial run on the time given er and if at the end of the work , he was satisfied that he had made the target bonus , or near enough , or if he was satisfied that , given a little extra opportunity to go back onto that job should it come back again in the near future , then he would , he would see clearly that he could make at least fifty percent er which was the target bonus , and probably more .
6 [ See Fig. 3 ] Remember the term , because it will turn up again in a rather odd context .
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