Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv prt] and tell [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I know you need it , the way you read that letter was atrocious Matt if the letter , the word just does n't jump out and tell you what it is , look at the , the words each side of it Christ
2 I was just wondering , having reached my seat , whether I could whip back and tell him to belt it out a bit , when it stopped altogether .
3 If you are involved with a youth club , or guides , or venture scouts or whatever , anywhere you can reach the ears and minds of young girls you must speak out and tell it how it really is .
4 I 'll ring through and tell him that you 're coming . "
5 He dearly wished they would hurry up and tell him what to do .
6 ‘ A secretary will ring up and tell us a professor has people coming to lunch and so we 'll get on with that . ’
7 ‘ Actually , I should n't be telling you yet , but as your wife came to the station saying how worried you were I thought I 'd call in and tell you .
8 can go and , alright you can go in and tell him right
9 ‘ Will you go along and tell them , now ?
10 I 'll walk through and tell them what 's happening .
11 And whatever each one chose I would go off and tell them the loveliest sort of
12 Should she go back and tell him she 'd changed her mind ?
13 In your new brochure here that you 've put on the table erm it says a meeting it does n't actually say a meeting actually it says we need your ideas come along and tell us that 's why we applauded . .
14 Why not write in and tell us more of your tips — Ed .
15 He was saying he would come up and tell us how Stephen was and everything .
16 Just see what you can see and come back and tell me . ’
17 I 'll come back and tell you . ’
18 I 'll come back and tell you what they say . ’
19 She was the first to get to know about that you see and she 'd come round and tell me .
20 ‘ Why do n't you just sit down and tell me the whole story from the beginning . ’
21 ‘ You 'd better sit down and tell me what you want me to do . ’
22 Why do n't you sit down and tell me what you want for Christmas .
23 I mean someone who would just sit down and tell you things , as if they had just happened on the way home .
24 We want to know — The right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East ( Mr. Smith ) can leap up and tell me — the House would be delighted to hear from him — how he will cover the difference between the £10 billion of extra taxation to which his party has already committed itself and the £35 billion of extra spending to which it has also committed itself ?
25 If you live round the corner from Mary Whitehouse could you pop in and tell her that her phone is off the hook she has n't replaced the receiver and she she 's quite an elderly lady and I would would be terribly upset if if she had n't got her phone back cos she might need it for emergencies or something like that and I am a caring concerned person so could you could you pop round the corner to Mary 's house and tell her that she has n't put her phone on the hook off the hook properly could you do that ?
26 and like the thing is obviously like the first realise there on a and they try to stop it , why are you stopping for , remember you are in the British army , if you disobey orders you 'll get a court marshall really started laying onto them , and like they 've started again and like the first bloke obviously got to the fucking water , cos he 's stopped again , one man one sides shouting out and round the other side shouting out and they have they 've all gone in , they must of thought fuck it and they 've all just fucking marched into the sea , and we marched them in , tent was only about that much above water , and we 've lasted thought , this is the thing that got me , he , he shouted at him , cos we , we , we managed to get them and that , he said right , right , go in , go in and tell them to come out , what , I said what , can you just pop in and tell them to come out , I said over here sarge , he said you disobey an order
27 She was infuriated by his arrogant assumption that he could simply demand answers , infuriated still more by her own desire to simply cave in and tell him the truth .
28 Yes erm , we 've actually linked with a firm of independent mortgage brokers erm so rather than being tied to a particular building society as most estate agents are erm what they will do is they 'll shop around and tell you which lenders are offering the best terms and particularly good schemes at any one time erm , it 's literally free information they simply phone you up and say get some idea of what your salary is and what your requirements are and then they 'll send through some information for you .
29 No I 'd like to put receipt in books and it 's , they 'll probably turn round and tell me it 's all so I ca n't , I ca n't offset it against the tax , or V A T or whatever .
30 I mean , I should just turn round and tell him where to go , but .
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