Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv prt] [conj] [subord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If one stops for a piss the rest might catch up and if they do they will either fall straight over him so that you finish with a ball of dogs that will take forever to unwind , or they will take lumps out of him .
2 See money 's all right they probably love the money you can bring in but if they do n't see you to spend it or to share it .
3 ‘ But all these women had better hurry along though before his looks start to fade . ’
4 get myself something to wear if I do n't hurry up and if I do n't hurry up and get something .
5 It did n't sink in until after she had gone .
6 Like I said , nine out of ten if I touch my brakes they 'll drop back and if they do n't then there ai n't nothing I 'm gon na do that 's gon na make them drop back .
7 Inanimate matter does n't answer back and if you get fed up with what you 're doing you throw it down the sink or get rid of it .
8 A rod that is propped at 45° to the water , quivering slightly as the current pushes against the line , will suddenly slam over as though it has been struck with a sandbag .
9 You should make it clear whether you will phone back or whether you wish to be telephoned .
10 I 'm told it 's the 43rd single release off the album they said they 'd split up after if it did n't outsell Guns N' Roses ( or something ) .
11 but erm , so I 'll order them , I 'll pay for them when I 'm there you can pay back when when I get them
12 Got ta go round once before you can buy .
13 But even when you go up you got ta go round once before you buy as well have n't you ?
14 Nineteen ninety three is gon na be the first year in which the full benefits of this cost cutting are gon na come through and whilst it 's always a continuing process and there will be some further redundancies , I am glad to say that we believe that the bulk of the redundancies are now behind us .
15 When they were away , there was always the worry that they would never come back but when they got home , they always brought with them gossip of other places and other people .
16 She ( or he ) will point out that if you double the speed you quadruple the impact .
17 I was just gon na point out that if you were to refer to the approved key diagram , you can get a quite easily visual representation of what that embraces .
18 That was very early on in my filming if anyone had asked me I would have said ‘ I 'm always on the move , you know I never sit down in a lesson , and I do n't sit down but where I was on the move was in a very limited space so just having the camera at the back on that table , just having it still showed me so much about what was going on in the room and how you use the time …
19 I expect si , do n't know how Len 's got ta sit down or whether he 's got ta stand .
20 Erm and all we ask is that if you if you 've said you 're coming to do a session , that you do actually turn up and if you ca n't then if you can telephone us as early as possible to let us know that you ca n't make it , that 's not a problem .
21 Well how did you find out that cos you have n't got any instructions have you ?
22 ‘ I did n't find out until after I 'd taken the lease on , but the department store on the corner has taken a lot of our casual trade . ’
23 I shall ask around and if I get no satisfaction I shall advertise . ’
24 ‘ So I 'll worry about that when I 'm thirty , ’ Ruth retorted , hitching up her bikini-top before loosening her long jet hair from a silk bandeau and shaking it free around her golden shoulders .
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