Example sentences of "[vb infin] [art] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Do not overtighten the screws or you could crack the mirror .
2 Meanwhile I found other knitting groups right in ‘ my ’ province and took Arune with me to talk with the other women in it in the hope that they could answer the questions that I could n't .
3 We take him off and do n't cover the breaks while you want him .
4 We could mobilise the resources and we had the moral drive .
5 He said that he had faced a dilemma about whether to choose a Bill that would make the headlines or one that would be passed .
6 India did not want the textbooks that it was exporting to Southeast Asia and Africa to be pirated , and it wanted to ensure a market for its own emerging computer and pharmaceutical industries .
7 Something , we do n't wan na pa paint the walls cos there 's so many like bits that are wrong with the walls but we want if we Anaglypta it , it wo
8 And , ’ I went on as he tried to interrupt , ‘ so as you do n't get lost if the sun goes in , you can paint the trees as you go with luminous paint .
9 Since the latter two specialists do not receive any special training in the sexually transmitted diseases , and neither will notify the cases that they see even if they manage to diagnose them , it is not surprising that chaos ensues .
10 Why do we not mimic the professionals or their caddies in other areas of the game ?
11 ‘ I do n't think the things that we have just now are , ’ says Will .
12 ‘ I do n't think the things that we have just now are , ’ says Will .
13 Erm , as we know , Bullitt was a member of the delegation and an intimate of , of Wilson , so the book is er co- authored , so in a sense we should know as we 're paying for , for all of it , because er , obviously , he relied on Bullitt to give him all this biographical information , and er , consequently what you see Freud doing in this in this book is , is er trawling through , as it were , the things that Bullitt told him , that , that Bullitt had found out , to erm , draw a kind of psy psychoanalytic portrait of Woodrow Wilson , that erm , tried to explain his problem , why did he not deliver the goods as it were .
14 It was won because Labour was the party of high taxation , because the Conservative Party presented an alternative , and because most electors neither admired Mr Kinnock nor believed that he could deliver the promises that he was making .
15 Will the Minister widen his reply to include funding of the national companies , and in particular will he explain the remarks that he made to the Royal Society of Arts last week , when he speculated on the Government funding the national companies directly ?
16 Erm it it varied really w we saw our role in general as being to support and and facilitate the activities that they wanted to get involved
17 Do we know the areas that we should be concentrating on ?
18 Certainly Premack 's findings are under this cloud since Sarah 's performance suffered considerably when in the presence of a trainer who did not know the answers that she was supposed to give , and it would seem natural to expect that the more broadbrush methods of the gestural teaching would be equally suspect .
19 I do n't know the answers but I 'm gon na emphasize the point now .
20 How can we know the answers if we do not even ask the questions ?
21 ‘ They must know the hazards and we want them to start their sex life in the happiest way possible .
22 If you do n't know the words if you do n't know what the Spanish or lemonade or you ca n't spell the darn thing you 'll get a low mark right .
23 Like a lot of people in the sort of society we live in , you feel very isolated from everything around you and you do n't know the neighbours and you are only barely on speaking terms with the shopkeeper .
24 I do n't know the details but I recognize the symptoms .
25 because it 's only by that way that if , if he 's gon na need the grommets or something in his ear then he really needs to get it sorted out this year .
26 We 'll need the creds when we go into hiding . ’
27 ‘ Ca n't peel the potatoes or anything ? ’
28 This person must brief the helpers if they are inexperienced .
29 Factory bonuses have been replaced by compulsory pay deductions to buy government bonds , and many enterprises say they can not buy the bonds because they no longer have any cash .
30 I agree they should n't buy the tickets because they 're the
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