Example sentences of "[vb infin] [prep] them [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The idea being is that they would now spend the first year at college , possibly we then would look at them better and
2 But they could lie safely among them for as long as they liked , and they could move through them easily and unseen .
3 The theory of politics argues , on the supply side , that political parties , in bidding for support , end up by promising more than they can deliver and that , on the demand side , this leads to inflated expectations since the electorate have incentives to vote for increased services because they do not pay for them directly and because there may be little correlation between tax payments and government benefits .
4 Second , the electorate will have every incentive to vote for more government services because they do not pay for them directly and individual tax payments may bear little ( if any ) relationship to the benefits which they may derive from such services .
5 She had told Tom she would not go with them today but now she wished she had .
6 My parents are going to France at Christmas and erm I do n't wan na go with them really and nor does Digby so he , Digby 's gon na come and stay just for a bit and my house it has to be empty and Foxy 's coming round to stay .
7 The British auction houses must be laughing up their sleeves — clients will go to them more and more ’ , said Buffetaud .
8 Some of these things as well , they 've been pinching back from upstairs , toys they , they 've played with when they were smaller and they do n't play with them now and I put them upstairs out of the way and they keep going and finding them and bringing them down .
9 I think I 'll I 'll not wait for Er if nothing comes in the post tomorrow I wo n't wait for the conference centre to get in touch with me , I 'll write to them tomorrow and drop it in .
10 Erm but I 'm gon na talk to them tomorrow and sort of finalize the arrangements for that .
11 Look at them , acknowledge them and then tell yourself you will deal with them later and let them go .
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