Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [that] [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 While this Unit is unable to get too involved I would like to think that if an individual school required guidance , sources of materials etc. , we could provide this without too much difficulty .
2 Timbmet 's solicitors will try to argue that because the wood was dead no harm could be caused by it 's sale .
3 However , as it was impossible to know whether it was blow one or blow ten ( the maximum number permitted at the moment ) which drew the blood on Roy 's Dream , it did serve to underline that though the Jockey Club may be moving in the right direction , its pace of reform is still too slow , leaving it too open to criticism .
4 The wording of the concession would seem to suggest that if the husband moves out of the matrimonial home and makes no election that his new home is his main residence then he need do nothing further , since on any subsequent transfer of the former matrimonial home to his former wife the principal private dwelling house exemption will be available ( provided she has continued to live there ) .
5 Now I am sure that some readers will write to say that if the player is moving forward then if he drops the ball it must be moving forward also .
6 ‘ If in order to decide the question of jurisdiction it is necessary to determine finally whether a contract exists or not it would seem to follow that if the conclusion arrived at was that no contract existed then ex hypothesi the conditions of article 5(1) would not be met and the court would have no jurisdiction .
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