Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [that] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 You need to know what you 've got , not precisely the solicitor does n't want to know that you 've a house and three insurances and two bank accounts and a building society .
2 They will want to know that you have a safe , warm place for children to play , and that your kitchen and toilet facilities are adequate .
3 You will need to ensure that you get job satisfaction , and problems can arise which will need to be faced .
4 Similarly , all engineers should seek to ensure that they receive the education and training they need , and that those working for them are also suitably developed .
5 But , like a man , he 'll need to learn that yer do n't break yer heart over them as you 've left behind , 'cause yer tied to your ship fer as long as the cap'n says so .
6 Not unless B S I we to were to exs , expect to see that we have audited everything before they came .
7 For the long-term benefit of the economy , the Government should invest to ensure that we have an adequate public transport system to move people to and from places of work without massive environmental pollution and to move goods .
8 I will not seek to justify this , any more than I would expect the Tories to justify the three day week , the Suez Crisis or any other element of their sordid history , for what we are discussing is a situation facing thousands of people in this district today , and what we are gon na do to ensure that they have a future .
9 ‘ The callers do n't want to hear that they have the wrong number , ’ says Howard Eckstein , Opto Plus 's owner .
10 I have replied to all , and would like to report that I have negotiated a suitable figure with Christina Littler and Bob Haddon of Birmingham who will take possession before the end of May .
11 And you may like to know that we have not neglected the infant 's biological need to suckle .
12 ‘ Be that as it may , perhaps he would like to know that you have completely disrupted our meal .
13 You might like to know that I 've approached no other company .
14 You might like to know that I have recently been in touch with a Mme Francine Roussel ( University of Nancy II , 23 Blvd Albert 1e , Nancy 54000 ) who is just completing a survey review of concordancers .
15 You should make quite clear what signals you 'll use to indicate that you want them to stop what they 're doing .
16 For instance : ‘ I think we should be getting some of our employees to work from home ’ or ‘ I 'd like to suggest that we go home early . ’
17 ( b ) I 'd like to suggest that we go home early . ’
18 ‘ I 'd like to suggest that you install public telephones at your garages . ’
19 I would like to suggest that you take a piece of paper and rule it as follows ( see table on page 184 ) , including the headings Short Term , Long Term and Ultimate Goals , and separating them into two sections — Tangible and Intangible .
20 If so , I 'd like to suggest that you consider the main purpose of small talk .
21 I would like to stress that I wish to hear from all who may be enthusiastic , not just pilots ; I have no wish to create a posing pilots ' paradise .
22 Cos I do n't mind taking this action erm , I think the the thought is that I would like to propose that we have a word with the government .
23 I would like to propose that we send our best wishes and congratulations to Trevor to mark that marvellous achievement .
24 Right , colleagues , we 're now going to the Energy and Utilities debate and er I 'd like to propose that we do it in the following fashion .
25 I would like to think that we 've pass for two hundred and fifty , subject to Trevor being satisfied .
26 ‘ This is the reason they were first given and I would like to think that I have been given this award because of that .
27 He asked me whether I was a country person I asked what the qualifications were he said country born and bred , well I was born in Liverpool spent my childhood and early adolescence in rural Nottinghamshire , moved to Highfields , emigrated to the West Indies and now live in sub rural Blavey so I do n't know whether I qualify as a country person or not , but I 'd like to bet that I 've milked more cows by hand than he has if that 's any qualification .
28 I think I 'd just like to add that I think that this could possibly be a very big piece of work .
29 But I mean , it could be er could be ver we 're talking about redundancies now , are n't we , so it , er , I think you know , I 'd like to move that we do do that , if the if there 's a seconder , and and and lobby very strongly .
30 When my colleague to my right here , Roger and myself put forward a motion at last council on this issue ably led by our glorious leader to my left I would like to say that we 've set up .
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