Example sentences of "[vb infin] [to-vb] [prep] [det] the " in BNC.

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1 That was a major understatement , but she did n't want to go into all the details right now , especially with Julius standing right beside her .
2 So I do n't want to go through all the things that are the same , I want to highlight the differences , and maybe it 'll help you in your mind to distinguish between the two products as regards examination and the questionnaire tomorrow .
3 but he , he 's at that age now where I could have another kid and look after it quite easily if I had one , but I do n't wan na go through , not the pregnancy , but I do n't want to go through all the babies and getting up in the night and , one that 'll come out six months old
4 If you do n't want to go to all the trouble of making curtains yourself , Rectella has a huge range of ready-made curtains and operates a made-to-measure service through its nationwide stockists .
5 An MNP practising in England and Wales will need to comply with all the rules applying to solicitors in England and Wales , because both solicitors and their RFL partners will be directly subject to the rules .
6 Alcohol Concern ( 1987 ) suggests that older people who have been regular drinkers may need to reduce by half the quantity of alcohol they consume .
7 You do not need to type in all the dates for yourself — the spreadsheet will do it for you .
8 The flames did help to disperse the fog and also to make the runway more visible , but of course one air field could n't hope to cope with all the 8 Group heavies returning at the same time , and things were pretty chaotic for a few hours .
9 Unless we can see the profound radicalism of the spiritual meaning of his poverty , we can not hope to enter into all the other aspects of the truly happy way of living .
10 My elder brother , one of the last O-level year , pretends to sneer at my GCSE passes , but I 'm glad we did n't have to go through all the cramming and regurgitation of the old exams .
11 You 'll have to go through all the Bs
12 There was one good Carling Black Label ad — where a guy walks into a bar and asks for a pint of Carling Black Label and they say , ‘ I bet he drinks Carling Black Label ’ — but we did n't have to sit through all the others just to see that .
13 I 've got it timed so that I arrive just before your French maid number , so I do n't have to sit through all the rest of it .
14 I do not wish to detract from all the good things about living in the U.S.A. , but I would like to assure ‘ Contact ’ readers that life over here is not all sunshine and roses .
15 Private care does n't have to answer to all the pressures that are on the statutory services .
16 ‘ In other words , they do n't have to comply with all the regulations that there would be in a training office .
17 Are they The chemist then would have to buy in all the bottles .
18 This type of competition may take much longer to judge as the judges will have to look at all the entries .
19 One of the researchers involved , David Sugden , cautioned however that global warming will make sea-levels expand regardless of any added volume caused by melting ice , and he added that " we would have to look at all the ice sheets in the world , not just two , before we could be sure what the effects would be " .
20 Tom would have to turn on all the charm to talk her round but if rumour were true , his success rate was high .
21 ‘ Presumably they must have to pay for all the preparation leading up to an operation of this sort , and pay the staff who are waiting around .
22 To do that job you would have to take in all the deer in every year , weigh and measure them and give them their dose , and feed them while you did it .
23 This will tend to apply to all the logs placed by any beaver bearing this particular mutation .
24 It did not purport to deal with all the subject matter of the field and it was believed that :
25 He observed that the protesters did not enjoy the rights of common that had been affected , and on this basis he decided to modify the by-laws so that they could continue to apply to all the world except the commoners themselves .
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