Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pos pn] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By completing pictures children can demonstrate their ideas visually without spending a lot of time producing a complicated drawing .
2 The researchers suggest that victims would benefit from knowing that these effects are common and should discuss their feelings openly with colleagues or medical staff .
3 In the short term , the Commission will concentrate its efforts largely on biomass , biofuels , energy-from-waste , wind power and small hydro power , with funds available for such purposes as drawing up national inventories on the use of renewables , creating uniformity of standards and implementing a statistical recording system .
4 It could be copied only either by those of nearly equal wealth or by those who could concentrate their resources chiefly on defence — princes , great bishops or , in the south especially , towns .
5 Soaked golfers can dry their shoes overnight on a convenient low-wattage , electronically-heated rack that is gentle enough to dry leather without making it crack .
6 It should also be remembered that teachers are always assessing their pupils ' performance on a daily basis and will know their pupils well over the period of time .
7 Humphrey did not confine his activities solely to the steel works and walked across the fields he had known during his earthly days .
8 In any case , you should discuss your intentions fully with your Manager .
9 Those who have had facts imparted to them effectively will pass the tests and those who have not will fail to pass the tests , and when the lists are read out on Speech Day the incompetence of the bad fact-imparters will be revealed to the world and this will act as a goad and make them impart their facts better in future … . ’
10 Indeed , the experiences of the South-West Division would seem to argue against the thesis of this column : that national selectors , in England as much as in Wales , should build their teams more around clubs and less around people .
11 ‘ I agree totally that where fixtures are moved to another day , supporters should be given plenty of notice so they can make their plans well in advance .
12 If anything it will make their lives easier by making it impossible for American companies and citizens to keep anything confidential . ’
13 A POSTER campaign to help farmers make their farms safer for children has been launched by NFU Mutual chairman Alun Evans at the Mutual 's head office at Stratford-upon-Avon .
14 I personally do n't get any joy from seeing people reproduce their records exactly on stage ; I want to see something which is special for the night . ’
15 If the doctrine was broken and officials could explain their views freely in public , then ministers would have the much more formidable task of making their case against men who were seized of the key counterpoints and who knew that their arguments were accepted by many in the ministry .
16 There is further evidence to indicate that nitrogen applications on or near the surface tend to make earthworms feed and excrete their castings well below the surface .
17 I can do my eyebrows exactly like Linda Evangelista 's .
18 Though funded by the Scottish Office , Home and Health Department , the study is totally independent of central government and will present its findings directly to its clients , the people of the Shetland islands .
19 She does not base her decisions solely on the consensus of the group or the individual child 's desires , but also does not regard herself as infallible or divinely inspired .
20 She could feel her breasts hard under the thin cotton of her blouse , the nipples pushing against the material , yearning for the feel of his hand .
21 Candidates from other countries should send their applications directly to UCCA .
22 Here she was , all alone in the wildly romantic snow-covered Scottish mountains with a man most women would give their eye-teeth simply to be in the same room with , and her only wish was to get away from him .
23 Individuals can only do their jobs well in this context if they know a great deal about everyone else 's jobs and problems .
24 Individuals can only do their jobs well in this context if they know a great deal about everyone else 's jobs and problems .
25 Educating the people is vitally important too — because unless families understand why immunisation is so important , they will not bring their children forward to be vaccinated .
26 This appeared in the press on 22nd May 1987 as a full-page photograph of a schoolboy ( Jack ? ) and schoolgirl ( Jill ? ) , with him saying to her , ‘ Can I carry your books home from school ? ’ , and her replying glumly , ‘ No , I have n't got any . ’
27 I told her she must bring our brothers here by two o'clock .
28 The manner in which we used the social network variable has been fully described elsewhere ( L. Milroy , 1987 ) , and I shall limit my comments here to the question of focusing , stability and normenforcement .
29 She had switched on the light and as she walked back towards him , he could see her legs again through the dress .
30 But she found that she could not tear her eyes away from him .
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