Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] when she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The infant Elizabeth will learn that being promised a sweet for behaving herself will result in more than the mere probability of its arrival ; the penny will have dropped when she realises that a promise entitles her to the reward — it is her due , to which she has a right .
2 But somehow she doubted it ; she was certain her interest in him would have vanished when she discovered he had no money .
3 Who would have thought when she had first seen him in England that he would drag her into his life , order her about , kiss her ?
4 So what did she mean , the proprietress of the lugubrious little estaminet on the banks of the lovely Loire , what could she have meant when she said she had nothing in the house for lunch ?
5 I was n't sure if it was unethical , but I was only telling her what she would have discovered when she visits tonight with Alan . ’
6 No , it was n't the first time , but remembering what had happened previously , how he had kissed her and , worst of all , how she had responded , she knew it was the last place she would have chosen when she needed to keep a clear head !
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