Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] [pron] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well I was gon na say you could 've dropped me off at grandma 's .
2 Do you think it 's at all possible that anybody who has this number , like presumably your agent has it or friends have it , is it at all possible anyone would have given it out to somebody ?
3 " They must have heard you over in Wabag .
4 Or he could have flown it around in the wastes of ice where Shackleton lost the Endurance .
5 Mrs Brocklebank , had she been here , would no doubt have pointed them out with triumph .
6 ‘ I saw you struggling with it ; you should have left it in the Range Rover — I would have lifted it out for you . ’
7 I WATCHED the General Synod debate on the ordination of women priests with my jaw dropped so low that my knee could have nudged it back into place .
8 Armed with this information , they would n't have picked him out on an identity parade .
9 Well we were going to buy er a caravan when my wa er just , just before my husband died we were sort of looking for a caravan , we had gone and paid a deposit , we should have picked it up on a Saturday and he go , he died on a Friday , so I had to cancel and er only this week er I told you did n't I , that they paid my deposit back because it was genuine tragedy , I , I did n't sort of er made it up that I , you know , sometimes you 've paid a deposit and then you 've changed your mind
10 Well I 'll check in case I might have picked it up with my school stuff , to be honest
11 ‘ I could quite easily have picked it up for you .
12 I 'm glad to see the two hundred thousand , though I would have picked it up under , erm , children already erm , over the age of about five , but maybe I 've got that wrong .
13 He must have picked it up from among the sawn logs in store for fuel .
14 Whoever had brought her here must have known the place ; you could n't have picked it out in a hurry .
15 I could have let you in for it then , could n't I ! ’
16 ‘ Had the care manager stuck to the initial referral alone , which was for respite care , she would have sorted them out for that , and that would have been it . ’
17 She stood up : ‘ No , I did n't ! — So he could n't have done it , could he ? — And before you say owt , he could n't have looked her up in the phone book 'cos she 's ex-directory ! — And anyway , he told me to go round there today and get her to put her money in the bank .
18 DAVID MELLOR has gone to the back benches nursing the belief that since he told John Major all about his expenses-paid holiday it made it okay and if life were fair none of us should have considered him out of order .
19 They 're sure to give the go-ahead , otherwise they would n't have chucked it out in the first place .
20 You could have warmed it up with a hot water bottle or a heat pad do n't leave it there with the baby in it , but you can certainly warm the bed first , you can warm the baby 's clothes , keep them in the airing cupboard , or lots of houses around here have Agas do n't they ?
21 He rushed to hospital where the doctor said ‘ I could have sewn them back on .
22 The victory of Gothic architecture showed that Nonconformity had kept pace with the spirit of the times ; to have done otherwise would have turned them back into hole-and-corner chapels appealing , like the Quakers with their simple meeting-houses , to ‘ men and women of a certain temper ’ .
23 Maybe I should have turned it over to the locals … ’
24 I 'd have turned it down without asking except I thought you might be interested — ah — because … ’ he shrugged , unable to find a tactful way of saying that this was the best offer she would get all year .
25 Any competent social scientist could have shot them down in flames .
26 I should have done it out of school because in school everything is organized .
27 Once I could have seen them off by asserting that I had no interest in such things , preferring to live from one day to the next , unfettered by possessions and responsibilities .
28 Er if I was in power I 'd put a tax on every child after two I would have taxed you out of existence Ellen .
29 ‘ I could n't have made it through on my own , ’ says Korda .
30 Our shuttering had been fabricated in the workshop , complete with risers reinforced with some 75 × 50mm timber , but we could have made it up on site .
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