Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [adv] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes she would climax first , sometimes he , and on good nights they would explode together so that they felt the same tingling in the very tips of their toes and even then he 'd had to remember to withdraw — just in case .
2 Share prices could fall so far that his cash offer for DRG , the Basildon Bond company , starts to look attractive .
3 You must never allow yourself to be crowded out , neither must you retreat so far that you overstep the area boundary .
4 Rosemarie had gone to see the film with her mum and dad — and let them know straight away that she was n't impressed with its factual accuracy .
5 She went into the corridor , hurrying as though she did not know very well that she was simply being transferred to another waiting chair , that the urgency of their voices bore no relation to the speed of their , or anyway her , movements .
6 The limitation is that the people under observation may well feel rather acutely that they are being observed and may react against the observers , act unnaturally and perhaps even lie .
7 Can it have changed much — or did it rain so pre-emptively that he can not have noticed the lovely inlets at Isleornsay , their green banked lands sloping to soft-coloured waters ?
8 One look at them will also show quite clearly that they are not too distantly related to the Scats , bearing a very similar body shape and positioning of their anal , caudal and dorsal fins in particular .
9 ‘ Records will show very shortly that we have not had a typical winter for this part of the country and that seems to be the main reason , ’ he told the environmental health committee yesterday .
10 But if Sartre anticipates such later thinkers we should not assume too quickly that they have simply taken his insights further .
11 He said the terms should run concurrently so that she would serve four years .
12 Buy new potatoes in amounts you will use immediately so that they are always fresh and tasty .
13 I — somehow I ca n't believe even now that we really are grown up .
14 I ca n't believe even now that it 's over .
15 Again , you must plan ahead so that you will be ready to react to a changed QDM. 9 .
16 Indeed , we would assert most emphatically that there is nothing within the stories themselves to explain any change in the divine response , let alone a change as complete and as dramatic as the two series report .
17 and in rugby so much can happen so quickly that I believe we have earned that 50–50 chance . ’
18 The final stage of the evaporation of a black hole would proceed so rapidly that it would end in a tremendous explosion .
19 They had decided to pray to Jesus , asking that they could die too so that they could be with their Mum who they missed so much .
20 My only worry is that , with the ground drying up , they might go so fast that he gets disheartened .
21 He let her go so suddenly that she almost fell .
22 He kissed her with suppressed violence , then let her go so abruptly that she almost lost balance .
23 I wished he would go away so that I could go upstairs and look at all my clothes .
24 She had her eyes on the figure striding across the hall towards the telephone table , and the look on her face caused him to close his own eyes for a moment , for he knew how she had taken what Martin had said : although it had been voiced lightly it was meant to have serious intent , and in her own mind his marrying would mean once again that she would have notice to quit .
25 I do n't realise even now that we will not go back .
26 I tried an abortive term at Durham University Drama Department and that made me realise even more that I wanted the real thing ; by then I had , in any case , worked the AIM stint and I did n't need theory ; I wanted practice .
27 ‘ Dammit to hell , ’ he cursed , letting her go abruptly so that she fell back on the bed in an untidy heap .
28 Some of the older ones would get together so that they had ginormous piles of rubbish .
29 But do n't get so tiddly that you keep hiccoughing , or giggle all the way through , especially at your own jokes before you reach the punchline .
30 You must never diet so quickly that you lose the muscle tissue that gives your body its shape , firmness , and definition .
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