Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [adv] for a " in BNC.

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1 He felt only sorry for him and sure that , if they could stay alone together for a while , Fiver would come round to an easier state of mind .
2 If Somerset should opt once more for a batsman , my instinct tells me the favourite would be Richie Richardson .
3 So many days of late , although dry , have been dull and overcast , but as someone said to me , you ca n't wait too long for a good thing , so here 's hoping .
4 ‘ You do n't think a man could feel so deeply for a woman these days ? ’
5 That would do quite nicely for a start .
6 ‘ If he is n't , he can swear pretty well for a dead person , ’ said Sacco , sagging to the floor .
7 For really top class Joplin you need pay only a little more for a selection from Dick Hyman 's complete survey mentioned above , but at less than a fiver , Arpin 's disc will do very nicely for a representative sample of Joplin — which is really all I can take in a single sitting !
8 It 's hit towards the halfway line , Alan the sole defender for Blackburn at the moment , he plays it to his right , forward it goes to now that 's a good ball down the far side of the field , plenty of er men available , 's one of them inside the penalty area , the cross was n't so good from and it 's gon na run harmlessly behind for a goal kick .
9 Once this had been achieved they could campaign more openly for a united Ireland on the basis of uniting Catholic and Protestant workers , small farmers and the lower rungs of the business community for an independent , democratic , united and self-sufficient Irish Republic .
10 Cheshire notes that even so a number of alternating items and structures did not occur frequently enough for a quantitative analysis , and some of the frequencies for the variables which were analysed are very low .
11 And , since the casualty list of the Westland Affair , there have been signs that the Thatcher Cabinet may function more collectively for a time at least .
12 Right can I just stop there just for a second ?
13 If this were so , the strengthening of the various associations generated by the inhibitory conditioning procedure would proceed only slowly for a pre-exposed stimulus and this effect could well outweigh any advantage that the existence of a stimulus-no event association might bestow .
14 It would proceed perfectly well for a while and then suddenly lose all power , forcing Robyn to jerk and stutter along in first gear , while huge juggernauts and tractors hounded her from behind and threw her into a panic .
15 First , although it may not take very long for a trained and experienced therapist to analyse a transcript using LARSP , the procedure itself is relatively technical and is likely to take some time to learn from scratch ( Connolly 1979 ) .
16 So that 's why their policies might seem a little bit wishy-washy in that how that if they were going straight for a rich peasant economy then perhaps you would have expected a more spectacular economic growth , but there was n't and perhaps this was because they did n't actually go positively just for a rich peasant economy , they were trying to achieve a greater degree of erm egalitarianism in the countryside at the same time .
17 Rail fares have been rising at around 1 ½ per cent over inflation in recent years and the new corporate plan also warns that BR has 12 months to assess whether passengers would pay even more for a better service .
18 She 'd go again then for a time , perhaps three or four months .
19 The police would n't press too hard for a day or two .
20 When Bernard came out of hospital he did not walk very well for a good long time .
21 It might well give her a better perspective on things if she could get right away for a short time .
22 This is a cave very accommodating for beginners in speleology and indeed for ordinary walkers with no such aspirations who , aided only by a torch , can penetrate quite easily for a hundred yards without meeting any difficulty .
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