Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pers pn] have a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Do you want me to have a go at doing that Simon ? because I have been difficult about it , if that helps you .
2 I said do you want me to have an appointment , do you want to listen to this tape ?
3 AUDREY Do n't make me have an affair YOU AND YOUR LOOKS SPECIAL 50 ways to look GREAT this summer
4 Shall I just throw these away then or do you want them to have a second look at or , yeah , I 'll bin them .
5 I did n't think I had a chance of getting a job but Workington took the gamble with me and I want to repay them .
6 ‘ But I did n't really think I had a chance because I have n't acted before , ’ she said .
7 I do n't think I had a Christmas present all my blessed life .
8 I did n't think I had an option — I was no teenage Lothario — but anyway I knew instinctively , without even having to ask him , that Mr Broadhurst would view the loss of my virginity as incompatible with my apprenticeship .
9 Erm I , I do n't think I have a problem saying well actually I deal on er i if someone said erm if you said I play with Joe Snooks you 'd say Joe Snooks , that 's interesting Joe 's a , a very good client of mine
10 Why did you know I had a pair of aces ?
11 I did n't know you had a degree until the other day and Lionel said oh
12 " I did n't know you had a cat , " I said .
13 ‘ I did n't know you had a car , ’ she said with surprise when they reached the road .
14 " I did n't know you had a dog , " I said .
15 Then he said , ‘ I did n't know you had a job , Mr Hellyer . ’
16 I did n't know you had an agent . ’
17 ‘ I did n't know you have a sister . ’
18 I did n't know she had a sense of humour . ’
19 I did n't know she had a dog , I thought it was a kit cat she had .
20 At least the neighbours would know she had a boyfriend with a car .
21 She had never regarded herself as a very organised person , and did n't even consider she had a routine ; but when George retired , realised that she did have a kind of pattern .
22 ‘ He does n't know we had an affair , ’ said Maisie .
23 Many carers , I have heard say , time and time again , that they feel guilty even asking they did n't even know they had a right to ask , well this legislation now allows people to ask , does n't mean to say their needs are gon na be met , but at least it gives them a right to ask .
24 Soon they will know they have a fool for a lecturer , and all because of you , my wife . ’
25 But , he was horri the guy that was doing me did n't know he had a pair of a like off er yeah .
26 ‘ I did n't know he had a half-brother . ’
27 Did you know he had a glass eye ? ’
28 " Then how , " Quiss said , bringing the blank , sorrowful face closer to his own , " do you know he has an office ? "
29 Under the Children Act , if the restrictions could be achieved ‘ voluntarily ’ a court may consider it has a duty not to grant an order .
30 as if you did n't expect me to have a brain in my head .
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