Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pers pn] out [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I wish I could flush them out of my head .
2 Did n't for a moment think you 'd want them out of your sight .
3 There was sense in which , it was n't really in Pilate 's hands , because Jesus had said to him , if I wanted I would speak to my father , he would send ten legions of angels and they would deliver me out of your hands , Pilate , you have no power over me .
4 Platt said : ‘ If Birmingham can get at them , they can knock them out of their stride because Bari will not be used to this sort of opposition . ’
5 I can assure you that my concern for Svend is as great as yours for Suzie , and I 'm not going to allow you to wriggle out of your commitments because , rightly or wrongly , your lover does n't trust you out of his sight . ’
6 You 'd bore him out of his mind in a very short time . ’
7 I got it somewhere , I 'll root it out for ya and I forgot to see Hilda about that
8 To be sure you are Lucifer himself in the shape of my master or you could not use me thus , and I beg you 'll send me out of my way to my poor parents .
9 The white man will cheat you out of your home .
10 Most callers at your home will be genuine , but some might be out to steal or cheat you out of your money .
11 If he could break her out of it , she 'd be all right .
12 And she acknowledged that part of her longing to be bustling about was to try and snap him out of his trance so that he could tell her where her sister was .
13 Bobby 'll be here in a minute , and I want you all to give him a performance that 'll blast him out of his seat ! ’
14 The news that you 're coming soon will lift her out of it .
15 I hoped that university would bring him out of his shell , but he kept himself to himself . ’
16 You tell me or I 'll beat it out of you ! ’
17 ‘ Talk , or I 'll beat it out of you . ’
18 You actually , if they do n't do the r if they do n't actually put anything down then you ca n't conjure it out of nothing but as long as you can get the benefit of the doubt then you 'll prob y'know we 'll give it to you .
19 Law 27 , Penalty Kick states that : ‘ It may be taken by any player of the non-offending team and by any form of kick provided that the kicker , if holding the ball , must propel it out of his hands or , if the ball is on the ground , he must propel it a visible distance from the mark .
20 Did you send it out to them Rose ?
21 A thousand leeches ca n't suck it out of him .
22 ‘ Come with me , ’ he says , ‘ I do n't want you out of my sight . ’
23 I will take you out , I do n't want you out with me this time . .
24 I 'd read the various bits and pieces a couple of times now , looking for something deep and mysterious in it all but not finding anything ; I 'd even done a little research of my own , and discovered through mum that dad had some more of Rory 's papers in his study ; she 'd promised she 'd try and look them out for me .
25 I can work them out for myself . ’
26 He 'll work them out for you on his calculator .
27 Can you count out , can you count Jonathan 's enough to dish dish them out to him ?
28 But they ca n't keep me out of my own house , can they ? ’
29 If you tell the police about Estabrook , will you keep me out of it ? ’
30 I agreed with that at least , and I was half-prepared to believe him when he said he could keep me out of it .
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