Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pers pn] [adv] over the " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , oh do n't tip them all over the table sweetheart
2 I do n't know whether this will be acceptable to Policy and Resources Committee or the Council at the end of the day , but essentially what is showing there is something that , taken over the three years meets er , a figure equivalent to the annual but it does n't do it uniformly over the three years .
3 If I put it on there you 'll probably spill it all over the photographs .
4 Now do n't go and spill it all over the photos !
5 Marie says it 's to keep the noise in , but I do n't reckon it works too well , cos you can hear them all over the house when they practise .
6 she said they seed freely , so we 'll have to watch we shall have them all over the garden next year
7 Moments later , as Lake Balkhash slipped away below him , Vologsky made a minor adjustment and set the Foxbat on a course which would take it directly over the home missile bases at Alma-Ata .
8 The distress caused by a horse being stolen , I 'd have it all over the its body if it stopped them being stolen .
9 see that 's gon na , see what I mean , as we go along that 'll fall on the floor that , you 'll have it all over the place , put it away okay , get some petrol now on the way
10 Everybody could hear it all over the factory .
11 If you go up there just leave them as they are do n't leave them all over the place .
12 I mean in , in he did n't leave it all over the yard and all that you know .
13 It 's Amy 's blanket love I do n't want it all over the floor .
14 Cos I do n't want it all over the floor .
15 So I said well you know , I ca n't just wind it up over the next six months , I said er what I wan na do I said is erm I got ta carry it on for that transit for that Orion till I finished anyway so it 's got ta go another year so I said well what I 'm feeling about doing I said is er just sort of keeping a finger in the pie I said , he said , if I 'd said tomorrow , if I had finished the whole the tomorrow I 've got ta buy a car I can buy it finance so I 'm gon na get no tax relief on the H P I get no depreciation no nothing like that I said so at least if I still self employed I can if I have the sort of two or three vehicles or whatever three , four , five vehicles but I said at least I can have some erm and I can then sort of they would be more utilised , where as I said at the moment we got more vehicles than we really need to keep full capacity so he said yeah , yeah fair enough then .
16 So you will find them all over the world .
17 You 'll find them all over the country .
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