Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 you do n't want them in cars do you , really ?
2 They will be issued by Training and Enterprise Councils to school-leavers , who will present them to employers offering training or to training centres .
3 In such dreams servants would ease him into shoes studded with diamonds ; he would cock an ear to the whinny of his coach-horses , whose splendour would make England die of jealousy ; he would give oyster banquets , and have his dining-room surrounded by espaliers of flowering jasmine , out of which bright finches would swoop .
4 So we 're looking for two additional representatives on this parish council to be our nominees on the management committee , and the management committee will present us with proposals to buy the ground in due course .
5 In addition , Sched 2 , para 6 specifies that local authorities must provide them with services designed to minimise their disabilities and give them the opportunity to lead lives which are as normal as possible ( Sched 2 , para 6 ) .
6 It will provide them with qualifications recognising their skills , and encouragement with their JS careers . ’
7 If a fair regime was not established , he warned , then landlords would see it as tenants removing capital value .
8 She could use it for spills to light her fags . ’
9 So you ca n't use it for eaves dropping .
10 If Hyde returns while I am writing this confession , he will tear it to pieces to annoy me .
11 They 'd sometimes er take them in vans depending where they lived and how many of them , but where there was a single one two police used to escort him , and they escorted him what , where we what they call the viaduct .
12 But I do n't know how they can have them as twins do you ?
13 The Sett Valley Trail will take you along paths created from disused railway lines , past unspoilt villages and through areas of fascinating wildlife .
14 I 've got some supermarket , and er , a bar , and this alsatian dog that Margot wanted to er take it through customs to look after it .
15 In reply to Kate Westwood 's letter in the February issue , why does she not join together with other knitters or any other craft makers and open a small shop , selling other people 's crafts on commission ? they could take it in turns looking after it .
16 They would then take it in turns to piece together each others jigsaw , guaranteed to keep them happy for years .
17 They 'll take it in turns to man the winches … and wheel and cook in the galley …
18 ‘ Then we can take it in turns visiting each other ! ’
19 The death of Socrates in Plato 's Phaedo is one of the most inspiring stories , and the scholar Scaliger could never read it without tears coming to his eyes .
20 During these early years children form attitudes and perceptions which will be with them for life and so we must nurture in the children those attitudes and values which will be with them for life and so we must nurture in the children those attitudes and values which will serve them in years to come .
21 The social services department should also tell you about services provided by itself or other services known to it which could be of use to you .
22 Let us not leave it to others to fight for our goals . ’
23 I must leave it to economists to say how much they have learnt from his account , or where they would disagree with it .
24 Both pulls are strong and theories which purport to reconcile them tend to be fragile , even though they capture a stout commonsense conviction that , as Marx put it , ‘ Men make their own history but they do not make it just as they please ; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves . ’
25 We think that a coherent radical pluralism can be constructed on the basis of a humanism which accepts , as Marx put it , that human beings ‘ make their own history , but they do not make it just as they please ; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves ’ ( Marx , 1977 : 300 ) .
26 ‘ 'Men make their own history , ’ to quote the master , ‘ but they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves , but under circumstances directly encountered , given and transmitted from the past .
27 We do n't eat it with knives do we ?
28 You do n't you throw it at animals to kill them .
29 If you add that to the eight ninety percent that need n't be potable , it seems to be very attractive to er deliver it in bottles does n't it .
30 Your solicitor can also advise you on questions relating to equal pay .
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