Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 These may include activities with organisations that are concerned with the quality of their lives ( eg pressure groups ) , intergenerational activities and those which promote individual development .
2 At the higher income levels the higher marginal tax rate encourages employers and their wealthier employees respectively to provide and seek forms of income that are untaxable or only slightly taxed .
3 They can also catch kinds of prey that they could not catch by themselves , such as buffalo .
4 I simply phoned them and erm they put , they put it up so that I could buy things on Access that I could get , well I mean those were the days when I knew that you could sell a house like
5 Members of HOG are seeking to define and describe specifications for objects that will be common , interoperable features of future , productised distributed object ( and object management ) infrastructures .
6 Using a technique known as symbol recirculation , Dyer shows that distributed symbol representations can be learned through recurrent networks that will generate expectations concerning words that will occur next in tasks such as script-learning and comprehension .
7 The hon. Member for Teignbridge can not argue simply that nuclear power is cleaner and environmentally more safe and that it should therefore always take precedence over coal , because we can do things to coal that would make it environmentally far more acceptable .
8 For in the circumstances of ordinary politics the checkerboard strategy will prevent instances of injustice that would otherwise occur , and we can not say that justice requires not eliminating any injustice unless we can eliminate all .
9 Via the appropriate graphical interface ( the product provides Windows , OS/2 Presentation Manager , or Macintosh ) , users can send documents to users that are local , distant or outside the enterprise .
10 We do n't give marks for glass that 's marked .
11 This lady must have been psychic or something , because in no time at all she was asking if I could enlarge necks on jumpers that other people had made too small to go over the head .
12 He could see connections between things that no one else in the force would even guess at .
13 Gilbert : ‘ They are obsessed with sex otherwise they would n't see forests of penises that are not there !
14 Natural selection will therefore favour adaptations in males that enable them to mate with more females ; but it will favour discrimination in females , if males vary in their quality as mates .
15 Although it has been argued that nectar might contain repellents to ants that otherwise predominate on sugary substrates in the tropics , it is found that ants will take this nectar when it is presented to them , though the floral parts of such flowers may be less palatable .
16 Emphasising profit-centre accounting , charge-out rates and chargeable hour comparisons will create problems for firms that try to integrate personal injury work with other practice areas .
17 As many parasites occupy more than one environment during their life-cycles , they must possess suites of characteristics that can be expressed at the proper time .
18 The Institute supports the ASB 's development of a statement of principles , but maintains that the statement should not anticipate points of debate that will appear in future standards .
19 During the 1960s , he demonstrated that dolphins could produce sounds in air that seemed to be direct and relevant imitations of human speech patterns .
20 Although Hazel guessed that they must now have gone further from the warren than any rabbit he had ever talked to , he was not sure whether they were yet safely away : and it was while he was wondering — not for the first time — whether he could hear sounds of pursuit that he first noticed the dark masses of the trees and the brook disappearing among them .
21 It also expresses concern that ‘ the increasing number of going concern qualifications which we foresee this statement precipitating may force businesses into receivership that might otherwise survive . ’
22 Quite apart from what the organisers tell him of their intentions , he may have sources of information that have a bearing on how he comes to a conclusion about predicted outcomes .
23 If the Government want to fetch every one of those issues to the Floor of the House , I am quite prepared to do exactly the same , and every day we shall have points of order that go on for half an hour —
24 The parties should agree a period of time during which they can continue negotiations and the investors can undertake investigations without fear that the target may be sold to a third party .
25 Whatever our conscious reasons ( ’ No , I want to remember him/her the way he/she was ' or ‘ Not in front of the children ’ ) , a dead body is not considered to be spectacle for display in Britain , and the rationale which dictates it can sometimes disguise feelings of embarrassment that such a thing could occur in our death-defying , well-regulated households .
26 ‘ It shows that students can reach standards of excellence that are capable of impressing the most critical judges .
27 We must criticise explanations of difference that treat gender as something obvious , static and monolithic , ignoring the forces that shape it and the varied forms they take in different times and places .
28 But the issue of Ratner 's knock-down pricing policy does raise issues of quality that are as yet unresolved .
29 The compensation demanded would cover claims by Virgin that it lost revenue from passengers ‘ poached ’ by BA after gaining access to its computer records .
30 These agencies can offer forms of help that usually can not be provided by the therapist ( e.g. obtaining rehousing , meeting other people with similar interests ) .
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