Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] the first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , we do know that the first import into Trinidad was Bhaluk Princess Barbella , imported by Mrs Margaret Wattley .
2 But , used in conjunction with a scoring algorithm , it can guarantee that the first answer is one of the optimal ones .
3 This pseudo-cleft structure would signal that the first part ‘ we are attempting to draw something in this book ’ is given and the second part ‘ this something is a general picture ’ is new .
4 Filling in these forms correctly will ensure that the first Council Tax bills will be as accurate as possible and take account of any entitlements to discount , exemptions or rebates .
5 She would stay until the first intermission , then leave him to watch the last complete performance alone .
6 Do you really believe that the first contact after weeks of silence just happened by sheer coincidence to fall on the same day as your arrival here ?
7 We will insist that the first call on income from the sale of mental health hospitals is the provision of better accommodation and services in the community for mental health users and people with learning disabilities .
8 And you can bet that the first visit will not be the last .
9 Some painting is by the Jesuit painter , Raab , but do note that the first altar on the right was painted by Brandl .
10 My colleagues may offer their opinions on the latter ; I can only assert that the first accusation is nonsense and if the allegation is true then I would love to know more about it but , regrettably , my request for further information has been met with silence .
11 But I think , but I do think it does mean that the first thing we say is that the work is more important than some of , maybe some of the , the nicer to have three year projects at the moment .
12 While you ponder this month 's challenge , I must admit that the first competition , about the Teddy box , has proved a cathartic experience for me .
13 You will notice that the first line of the paragraph is no longer indented .
14 Regular readers will recall that the first half of the 1970s saw an unprecedented upsurge of feminist activism , the most vigorous since the struggle for the vote in the first two decades of the century .
15 You will recall that the first task we set ourselves , in default of any clear instructions in the matter , was to decide what exactly we were doing , and that to this end we proposed to examine some of the various concepts involved .
16 While this does not prove that the first group of subjects were using their left hemisphere and the second group their right hemisphere the results are at least consistent with such a supposition .
17 The audience influences the style by indicating the seriousness , formality , or otherwise that the publication should adopt and the first area that this affects is the way the text is laid out on the page .
18 ‘ It means that my season wo n't start until the first round of the British championship at Knockhill on April 17 , ’ Steve said .
19 Annabel did let slip that the first thing she had done when she packed up tennis as a career was to lose weight .
20 The nature of stress is simple enough — practically everyone would agree that the first syllable of words like ‘ father ’ , ‘ open ’ , ‘ camera ’ is stressed , that the middle syllable is stressed in ‘ potato ’ , ‘ apartment ’ , ‘ relation ’ and that the final syllable is stressed in ‘ about ’ , ‘ receive ’ , ‘ perhaps ’ , and most people feel they have some sort of idea of what the difference is between stressed and unstressed syllables , though they might explain it in many different ways .
21 If a member interrupts another unnecessarily you should intervene immediately and state that the first speaker has the floor .
22 To sum up this section , we can say that the first phrase of a theme may be followed by a second phrase to make a complete sentence , either through exact repetition , or by various degrees of change which can extend to the introduction of completely new material .
23 Ralston did say that the first volume Knopf intends to publish ( and is now rushing to complete ) will be entitled French Masterpieces of the Barnes Collection , with an introduction by Richard Wattenmaker , an alumnus of the Barnes art appreciation classes , who is currently director of the Archives of American Art in Washington , D.C. Catalogue essays , by a team of ten writers five from the National Gallery in Washington , five from the Réunion des Musées Nationaux in France will examine eighty works from the Barnes to be displayed at the National Gallery , the starting point for the Barnes tour .
24 Well , three nuts spat me out and I can honestly say that the first time I fell , headfirst , facing outwards , above the wall we had just climbed , I really did see stars .
25 Do not worry that the first solution will actually make the wood darker .
26 If you do set too high , you may find that the first syllable spoken after a pause is distorted , especially on p's and b's , after which the overall level of the recording drops to a lower value as the speaker continues ; during the next pause in speech , the background slowly returns to its original value until the speech resumes , whereupon it falls again .
27 It does help if the first task is achievable , for example to telephone the Housing Department , rather than to get rehoused .
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