Example sentences of "[vb infin] [be] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I thought it might 've been to a Royal Garden Party
2 I told him it must 've been about the Royal Garden Party .
3 ‘ I 'll enjoy being on the same pitch as Tony Dorigo , who is probably the best No 3 in the country for composure on the ball when going forward .
4 And in his present state of mind , I for one would not enjoy being on the receiving end of his temper .
5 What I did n't know was of the ninety-plus pieces of work , both large and small , which Save The Children undertook in the United Kingdom .
6 therefore , the rate we can grow is to a large extent governed by the rate we can either attract or develop the specialised management staff we need .
7 The person holding the wing-tip should always run the down wind wing-tip so that any pull that he may exert is against the weathercocking swing into the wind .
8 Those three hills we can see are on the big island .
9 Should he achieve it , he would n't mind being in the British team at Victoria , in Canada , next year .
10 ‘ That is , if you do n't mind being in the same room as me for a few minutes ? ’
11 I can envisage being at a public local enquiry th it would not be me , where a barrister would make a great deal of an argument that York needs a regional shopping centre .
12 My first dream I can ever remember was on the first day of exams .
13 This may have been for a local production company producing a video for one of their corporate clients ; at the other end of the scale , you may have written some pieces for the broadcasters ( BBC , ITV , etc . ) .
14 The simplest method would have been for a French submarine to wait for the Rainbow Warrior somewhere on the high seas and sink it with a torpedo but that posed the problem of what to do with any survivors .
15 And that would undoubtedly have been for the best .
16 Few of the youngsters will have been to a big match ; what they are emulating is what they have seen on television in shop windows and heard on their transistors .
17 They 'd have been to the Catholic service , had their sins forgiven from the week before , then started again . ’
18 The colonial courts , despite their formal structure which was modelled on British lines , were far less alien to the average Sri Lankan than they would have been to the ordinary Englishman .
19 … I mean a completely different development arising from computer logic but as unimaginable to us now as a Shakespearean character would have been to an oral-epic culture , and a different way of thinking about and rendering … all worldly phenomena , as revolutionary as the scientific spirit that slowly emerged out of the Renaissance and the Gutenberg galaxy .
20 Accordingly , it is evident that a gift of such significance could have been of no small value to a freeholder or councillor who would otherwise have found difficulty in endowing a relative so generously at the commencement of his career .
21 Mayer immediately protested the decision , saying the extra width could have been of no possible advantage to Hunt , a view with which I disagreed then and still disagree now , for a sporting rule is a sporting rule .
22 If the election had been declared to be void ( as Panama and Liberia asserted ) , the Committee 's actions in the intervening period would have been of no legal effect .
23 However , Foley 's mill was probably the first erected in the midlands , and may have been of a new design .
24 They might almost have been of a different species .
25 It is not at all unlikely that some pressure was put on women in these two key firms , but it may have been of a persuasive rather than an intimidating kind .
26 While he was in Chinese captivity , and apart from writing poems in classical Chinese ( some of which , while they may not have been of the highest order classically , are nevertheless moving and rather beautiful ) Ho had also translated Dr Sun Yat Sen 's modern political classic the San Min Chu I into Vietnamese and this expedient flattery of China and Chinese continued after Ho 's release .
27 structures , their possibilities I mean at one stage they would have been at a certain level had n't got a landlord their income but that 's within one particular moral economy , now the idea here is to break that down , you know , just get rid of the circle altogether .
28 Initially a pitch of a ♯ = 408 was chosen as being close to the Bate Collection 's recorders of the period : at this pitch it sounds fine but one could easily allow that the original use of the instrument might have been at a higher pitch than this .
29 It was even rumoured that Western architects were approached , but that must have been at a subordinate level since early on one clear idea took hold of Ceauşescu 's mind : the whole project , from design through the workforce to the materials used , must come from Romania itself .
30 But er that was , that was very much er clutching at things that might have been at the last moment .
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