Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] [prep] all the " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think that in all the time I 'd known Jessica , I 'd ever seen her cry .
2 and saying , what do you think cos of all the qualified ones at least she cos she worked on the elderly side .
3 All I can say is that the yes of God 's love is stronger than the no of his judgment and that I do believe that despite all the shadows and elements of chaos in the world , in the universe and in life , God 's love is stronger and he is a God of love .
4 As the transcript of the judgment reveals , the Crown of Appeal was of the view that even if the appellant 's assertion of a right to be informed of the solicitor 's calls had been upheld , it does not follow that in all the circumstances of the case fairness would have required that the confession should have been excluded under section 78 .
5 He had opted for the cynical , guarded approach , and now he could see that for all the safety it had brought him — here he was , in his second year , still solvent , heart intact , unmugged and even succeeding in his studies , despite all his mother 's fears — every defence had its price , and he had paid in a separating distance , incomprehension .
6 Later , we shall see that in all the new churches that are being planted we can see some common features , or vital signs : the priority of worship , of covenant relationships , of evangelism and of training .
7 I climbed it once and it 's pleasant enough , but the point about it is that you can see if from all the 4,000 metre peaks ; it 's always there , distinctively , on the horizon . ’
8 My dad took me to watch Newcastle when I was about 10 but I could n't see because of all the people standing in front of me .
9 I must confess that in all the times I read Madame Bovary , I never noticed the heroine 's rainbow eyes .
10 The Edwardian and Progressive eras were rife with ideas of how film could develop but of all the possibilities the only thing that happened was that the showmen hung on to what they had discovered .
11 For example , did you realise that in all the other Star Treks the Klingons , a backward , confrontational brunch , represented the Soviets ?
12 ‘ Everyone wishes he would leave because of all the bad publicity he 's brought to the borough .
13 Every day , she and Aunt Margaret wrapped sheet after sheet of pink and blue daisies round toy after toy and the drawer where the money was kept sometimes would not shut because of all the pound notes inside .
14 I do view this as one of the ‘ great classics but I do not know if I would say it is the greatest book ever written in English as I have not yet read widely enough but I would definitely say that for all the above reasons that it is a great book .
15 You could say that with all the service Deane gets from the midfield he should have scored more than two ( as I say Lee 's got 4 & he gets hardly any service ! ) .
16 " Well , " says the official , " nobody can help because of all the rules and regulations — we do n't make them but we have to abide by them . "
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