Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It could make or break with vibration or thermal expansion as the machine warmed up .
2 Or they may appeal to our feelings — advertisements that evoke nostalgia , or involve appealing children and animals ; that make us laugh or rely on sex appeal , are all playing on our emotions to persuade us to buy .
3 If that were so , no one would ever eat or drink to excess .
4 One of the unwritten rules of non-Muslims who work or travel in Muslim countries is that you do n't eat or drink in front of your fasting friends .
5 They have least to offer the family in return for all the help and support they may need or expect in return .
6 Each weekend begins on Friday evening with supper , followed by an introductory talk , film or video , night prayers and then the freedom to sit and chat or go to bed .
7 There must be free elections , in which neither the incumbent government nor any other group can determine the electoral result by means other than indications of how they will act if returned to power .
8 A large quantity of Mozart 's music was published in that year , 1785 , perhaps reflecting the ever-growing demand from the newly affluent middle classes for music which they could buy and play at home .
9 They would be unable to compete with larger companies which could buy and sell in bulk , and take advantage of advanced technology .
10 ‘ If the arbitrated rate is good , we will buy and sell against cowrie shells from the Spice Islands . ’
11 They were so small , he and Hazel , that they could share his single bed quite comfortably — could sprawl and stretch without constraint .
12 No NATO general could have organised the strategy so well , for what general can recognise and know by name over a thousand of his troops — even when masked ?
13 Students are often uncertain whether they are taking the right kind of notes to help them survive and succeed at college .
14 And I did n't know whether to laugh with pleasure or to cry with pain .
15 There are a number of matters which it will need to take into account : ( 1 ) The offeror must consider whether to proceed by way of a takeover offer or a Court Scheme .
16 As is pointed in International Rectifier 's note AN-969m power mosfets possess advantages over bipolar transistors for ignition circuits , chiefly because of the high voltages then must withstand when used in place of a conventional mechanical contact breaker .
17 In the particular case of an ideal low-pass filter , for example , the modulus of the transfer function , , would behave as shown in figure 12.1(a) .
18 The new classification was to focus on drawing together items in the CAB information system by client-situation , so that seemingly disparate things , such as holiday insurance and local animal-care centres , would be brought together as part of the information a client may need when going on holiday .
19 How do you think that helps under negotiation .
20 I thought that happened in the NBA , I did n't think that happened in soccer . ’
21 This is just what happens in my novel : the girl , Snow White , listens to the life-stories of her companions but , try as she may , she can neither comment nor reply in kind .
22 Love was n't something you could give or withhold at will .
23 I duly promised crossed my heart and — spat which was the custom of small boys at the time — and I never did break that promise to Dad Tam whilst he lived , and to this day I believe in my heart that the figure overlooking Princes Street Gardens is in the image of my father , complete with a handsome Kitchener moustache .
24 Even in the 1830s the most influential work on international law could assume that salutes at sea were still a significant aspect of the subject .
25 Business and the community can benefit and learn about crime prevention from each other .
26 From here she could watch and wait for take-off , count the bombers out , bless them on their way .
27 In an attempt both to gauge the extent of the problem and to help managers identify and cope with stress in themselves and others , Douglas Donnelly , Safety Officer , organised a stress awareness seminar which was presented by the Occupational Health Service .
28 They were alright , big glass things which you could surround and pack in tea chests with bits and pieces and equipment in .
29 And as for poor Araminta , what did she ever do but fall in love with the wrong man ? ’
30 A home track and a track holding synonyms will appear as shown in Fig. 6. 16 .
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