Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] i [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Er I mean , you will know that I wrote a book called No time for Ostriches in when I was on the back benches , in favour of work fare .
2 For you must know that I had a twin brother , as beautiful as the day , and gentle as a fawn , and wholesome as new bread and butter , whose company pleased me so much , as mine also pleased him , that we swore an oath never to marry but to live forever peacefully in the castle , and hunt and play together the livelong day .
3 Perhaps he does not know that I have a suitcase full of letters from constituents who are desperately concerned about the Bill .
4 Do you know if I ate a strawberry one yet ?
5 I do n't know if I have a job now .
6 ‘ I thought I 'd wait until I made a go of it before I told you .
7 I 've just told you , I got ta wait till I get a bit of thicker board !
8 I do n't know because I mean a couple of people have changed cos it 's the only time that they can have it .
9 ‘ How do you know what impression I have , and what makes you think that I give a damn what you and that boy get up to in your spare time ? ’
10 Apart from that , I do not think that I learned a great deal from Conservative Members ' contributions to the debate — except , perhaps , that the hon. Member for Chelmsford ( Mr. Burns ) , who is not noted for his breadth of vision , does not like Labour councillors , which did not seem to me to advance the argument very much .
11 ‘ At the moment , I do n't really feel that I have a place anywhere .
12 It is not for me to say what the states should do although I have a personal view .
13 ‘ I said from day one that I would stay until I detected a change in attitude from the people in Ireland .
14 I do remember that I left a sort of note for my family telling them not to worry because I 'd got a good job and I might not be in touch for a while , but then it all gets kind of overlaid with a memory of a headache like you would n't believe , and shock at being connected to all these horrible machines and — ’
15 I can remember that I wanted a care bears lunch box .
16 ‘ So you can see that I have a few problems ? ’
17 ‘ Yes , I can see that I have a lot to learn . ’
18 ‘ Now let me see if I have an accurate picture of the situation to date .
19 ‘ Would you mind if I had a turn to talk ? ’
20 so he 's going to do that , so I said well look , do you mind if I had a wee sort of prelim talk with him
21 Oh m what I was going to ask you is would you mind if I had a party while you were in Dieppe ?
22 She hesitated , then said with the utmost sweetness , ‘ Do you mind if I make a suggestion ?
23 Yes , well I did n't call , but I did said Jane , well you leave , well I 'll leave you to it said Mr Sandy , if you would come upstairs , the policeman and Jane entered her room , please look in the cupboard , I think we 've got a case Sarge , do you mind if I make a quick phone call ?
24 ‘ Do you mind if I take a seat ? ’ began Blanche .
25 ‘ Do you mind if I take a shower first ? ’
26 Would you mind if I made a few housing enquiries for you ?
27 And like she 'd pour it out and it 's really really weak and insipid , and I go , oh , do you mind if I add a tea-bag to that .
28 Do you mind if I leave a little advice lying around here ? ’
29 Do you mind if I have a fag ?
30 ‘ Do you mind if I have a look over the garden , ’ Yanto called after him , unable to think of a better excuse .
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