Example sentences of "[vb infin] [conj] i [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 N do n't know that I know just the whisky barrels they were , a little I believe there was maybe a name for them .
2 I do n't know that I 've even seen that .
3 ‘ How — er — how did you know that I lived here ? ’ she muttered as he led her inside the lift , reaching across to push the correct floor button .
4 All the members here will know that I have recently erm sent out a circular letter expressing my concern as to where the system does n't seem to be working properly and asking for your help and cooperation in giving me information on just exactly where it is falling down .
5 Will he also recognise that I have never believed that there are no Tories in Scotland , for one Tory has spoken for Conservative respectability in Scotland , and he is the hon. Member for Dumfries ( Sir H. Monro ) ?
6 We could see people You know , why that would be I do n't know and I thought possibly
7 He said I I 'll I 'll I 'll never really know and I think now what was he was he praising me or blaming me , he said , And I 'll never know .
8 It 's , I 'm really really busy at work , I 'm at a warehouse , and I do n't know if I 've maybe caught a muscle .
9 and he wants some long-line , well I did have some , but I do n't know if I 've still got them
10 Right , but we have covered most things that 's ev , I do n't know if I 've actually missed anything out , right but just to clarify my thinking what is it you do actually want to think about , is it the the colour , is it what glass you want in the bathroom ?
11 Will let everyone know if I hear anymore .
12 ' I do n't know if I have that much on me , ’ he said .
13 Well I do n't know cos I 've never actually seen any police in these flats .
14 I do n't know cos I 've never actually erm been in a place where they 've done sort of thing really .
15 I do n't know cos I 've never been brunette , Jackie .
16 I was actually quite low on the activists and higher on these three but I managed to wonder sometimes where I worked ever so hard on a session I ca n't really ca n't understand you know why it 's not going very well and I thought well when I then watched other people do something that had a lot of action I thought well why did they like that more and I never I did n't know but I 've actually learnt that you have to put activities in , cos you , you know you do get people with a very strong activist preference .
17 So I said well I said I really do n't know but I think so .
18 Daddy 'll stay there or wait till I come home .
19 They 'll wait till I get home .
20 The trouble is I did n't know because I 've never heard the word before .
21 ‘ I do n't know because I have only played with Rush , ’ said Dalglish .
22 If you say something to me I check that I have understood your message by saying it back to you in my own words , for if I repeat your own words exactly you will doubt whether I have really understood you .
23 The wording referring to the specific location in the location description would by definition have to be drawn up the region , cos they would have intimate knowledge of the locality that er sorry and the costs would be drawn up by the region because they would know as I say intimately they would know that specific development
24 ‘ I do n't think that I 've ever been questioned about them .
25 ‘ I 'm sorry , I do n't think I — I do n't think that I know enough about some of the issues , to go along with it completely . ’
26 Despite this great advantage I do n't think that I have ever , before or since , worked in such frustrating conditions .
27 What more could I do than I had already done ?
28 I hope that the reader will feel that I have satisfactorily dealt with the first .
29 As a younger person I , I would expect that I 've probably got another fifteen years to go to the menopause , but I 'm looking forward to it as a relief from pre-menstrual syndrome !
30 ‘ And why on earth should you automatically assume that I came here with the express purpose of blackmail ? ’
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