Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] again in [art] " in BNC.

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1 We worried Sweden yesterday and we can do so again in the final . ’
2 It certainly is a good story but it is hard to believe that a designer as experienced as Tupolev would casually use such information without first carefully checking it out , particularly if one considers the history of the Russian aircraft industry which over the years has sprung many surprises upon the West and will doubtless do so again in the future .
3 Fry and Flashman both launched a tirade of abuse against each other following their parting , but now they have shelved their differences and will work together again in a twosome , the like of which football has never seen , or is likely to again .
4 Thereupon the world reverses its rotation and everything starts to deteriorate until God reasserts his control and lets the universe rotate once again in the same direction as before .
5 THE LIGHTS will soon go on again in the memorial gardens at Walton on the Naze , following a dispute between Tendring District Council , Frinton and Walton branch of the Royal Air Forces Association , and Walton 's Royal British Legion about the cost of floodlighting .
6 ‘ Perhaps I may come down again in the spring .
7 The subject of rue Roland did not come up again in the course of the evening until Loretta was stepping into a taxi for Islington outside the restaurant .
8 So they asked me to go away and come back again in a week which gave me breathing space and time at least to learn it properly .
9 Erm on the basis that er we were , when we were setting the , the targets , the time was set by the work study personnel erm and then the operator was able to obtain a trial run on the time given er and if at the end of the work , he was satisfied that he had made the target bonus , or near enough , or if he was satisfied that , given a little extra opportunity to go back onto that job should it come back again in the near future , then he would , he would see clearly that he could make at least fifty percent er which was the target bonus , and probably more .
10 [ See Fig. 3 ] Remember the term , because it will turn up again in a rather odd context .
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