Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some will ‘ get the taste ’ of fresh water by moulting on freshwater lochs in Shetland , raising hopes yet again that this attractive duck will one day stay on to nest in Shetland .
2 No doubt some will stay on to summer in Shetland and encourage us to hope that some day it too may be found nesting .
3 In a mild winter where snow cover is not prolonged , chaffinch and brambling from the Scandinavian forests will stay on to forage round the crofts .
4 If it does n't low income workers will be stuck in low option plans , high income workers will opt out to fee for service schemes , and ‘ quality ’ health care will be as elusive as it is now .
5 In his attempt to determine whether the methods and concepts of ecology and physical geography can contribute effectively to analysis of urban issues in the context of the city as an integrated open system of living things interacting with their physical environment , Douglas ( 1981 ) argues that an attempt must be made to link the city as a habitat or an ecosystem with the city as a social system and he develops an ecosystem approach to the study of cities .
6 If the country and the House have refused , since then , to give in to terror — despite all the horrors that have been inflicted against humanity on the mainland and , especially , in Northern Ireland — why should the leadership of the Provisional IRA and its fellow travellers , wherever they may be found , conclude that we shall give in to terror during the next 21 years ?
7 ‘ ALTHOUGH the contribution of the world we live in to the levels of risk is most obvious for accidents , developments in medical thinking throughout the last two centuries have indicated how by modifying the way we live — originally through general improvements in diet and hygiene , more recently through changes in education and social welfare — we can contribute substantially to prolongation of healthy life or its reduction by increasing smoke pollution and cigarette consumption ’ .
8 Governments may elect not to talk to governments but we scientists are an incurably gabby lot .
9 Mrs Stych wrung her hands behind the reporter 's back , and wished passionately she could run home to Mother on the pig farm ; she longed suddenly for the smell of hens and milk , for a place where nobody had to keep up appearances or be other than what they were .
10 It 's very important that you keep your international stance — but to also keep up to date on the more traditional demands of the women 's movement is important too .
11 Whichever direction you go , you can keep up to date on your software for very little outlay .
12 You can also keep up to date with your own subject in the Periodicals Reading Room .
13 So with that alone you can keep up to date with income tax .
14 Yeah erm tt well if I was you I 'd probably try and , and keep up to date with the stuff that 's happening now
15 Well it 's Tuesday the fourteenth and the start of Cheltenham 's three day hunt festival and just in case you had n't heard , you can keep up to date with all of the latest racing news and results here on Severn Sound .
16 It was the sort of spot Martha would have wanted to be buried , because from her grave you could look out to sea towards the Gribbin , close to where Sam had been drowned .
17 I wrote to the effect that I did indeed look forward to life with him , and that my guidelines for living were the same as his .
18 ‘ I shall look forward to hearing of you . ’
19 This subject needs a great deal of careful study and thought but , with this outline , let us move on to look at the experience a bereaved person might have of the church when someone close to them has died .
20 Let's move on to look at another fairly dramatic infection which is a case of diphtheria .
21 With out boat 's painter trailing in the shadows behind us , let us now move on to look at what I have called the detective novel as opposed to the detective story .
22 I will now move on to look at one chapter from Alice through the looking glass .
23 Do you react badly to criticism at work ?
24 Farnham must face up to life in the second division of the Surrey Championship without their two opening bowlers from last season .
25 Furthermore , pH i can recover spontaneously to baseline within minutes after exposure of cells to acute acid and alkaline loads .
26 Moidart 's trip from her Newmarket base to Edinburgh last time was rewarded with victory and she should score closer to home in the Charter Handicap .
27 Moidart 's trip from her Newmarket base to Edinburgh last time was rewarded with victory and she should score closer to home in the Charter Handicap .
28 Revised pay scales do not apply solely to employment within the NHS .
29 This would apply equally to abstraction for private or commercial use .
30 The rest were written off to the Chinese , who did not take kindly to violation of their air-space .
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