Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] and if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If one stops for a piss the rest might catch up and if they do they will either fall straight over him so that you finish with a ball of dogs that will take forever to unwind , or they will take lumps out of him .
2 get myself something to wear if I do n't hurry up and if I do n't hurry up and get something .
3 Like I said , nine out of ten if I touch my brakes they 'll drop back and if they do n't then there ai n't nothing I 'm gon na do that 's gon na make them drop back .
4 But in those general objectives , we then set ourselves the top ten , top ten objectives and how we are going to actually action those objectives er to er move forward and if they were achieved , we thought if we achieved those ten objectives and that 's going to take time and as I say it 's a dynamic plan , it 's going to take two , three years to achieve and if we achieve those objectives then we will have achieved our own rule er our overall mission .
5 Inanimate matter does n't answer back and if you get fed up with what you 're doing you throw it down the sink or get rid of it .
6 The trick is to concoct words into a special language , a mystery , an abracadabra which they and only then can decode when and if they choose to do so .
7 The technique is very versatile because you can er then er go further and if you pull the pipette away from the from the cell you can , if y again if you 're lucky , be left with the membrane the patch of membrane firmly sealed to the glass pipette , and you can now record in so-called inside-out mode , in which the a er physiological inside of the membrane is exposed to the bathing medium , the the the in which the pipette is bathed .
8 and er they used to come to me and say how much does this man owe now and if he 'd been paying quite a bit next time he came in the shop they was all round him trying to persuade him to buy
9 If there 's a lot to do you go quicker and if there 's not you go slower .
10 He ensured that no one could talk confidentially and if he heard something he did n't like , he would loudly announce over the intercom , ‘ I heard that ! ’
11 Erm and all we ask is that if you if you 've said you 're coming to do a session , that you do actually turn up and if you ca n't then if you can telephone us as early as possible to let us know that you ca n't make it , that 's not a problem .
12 I shall ask around and if I get no satisfaction I shall advertise . ’
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