Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [subord] your [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ None can know better than your lordship the importance of Berwick Castle , ’ Ramsay went on .
2 if I have to wait for you I 'll wait forever cos your eggs are not done
3 Since jealousy has its roots in emotional insecurity it is these feelings , so often experienced but not recognised , that you must try to treat with sympathy and imagination ; remembering that you , one day , may feel just as your mother-in-law does .
4 You can only watch helplessly as your child screws up her face , stamps her feet and screams because she ca n't take the toy she wants home with her , or have that alluring packet of sweets she 's seen before tea .
5 You ca n't see further than your noses ; you never move out of this damn county .
6 ‘ After all , Gav , I can just stay up till your drinking pals have decided to head home , or Norris 's card school chums finally drag themselves away , or crash out and snore on the Richter scale , whatever ; the fun rarely extends beyond three or four o'clock in the morning … why , that would leave me a good four or five hours ’ sleep before an early lecture . ’
7 Unfortunately , it will happen inevitably as your skin cells replace themselves .
8 number one , well you get washing done and then you can come in when your hands are clean .
9 Could you only come out if your parents collected you ?
10 As you age , though , analytical thought plays its part and this is personified as Self 1 : the voice that reminds you when you play tennis that you must relax , must follow through , must win the point , must play well because your father is watching , and invariably provokes nervous tension and interrupts the instinctive natural flow .
11 Lincrusta wallcovering is virtually indestructible , and will probably last longer than your cane furniture !
12 Therefore , no amount of external treatment with the finest plant oils will help much if your diet , life-style and emotions are out of balance .
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