Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [conj] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It was a glorious victory when he managed to persuade the grown-ups to let him stay on after his parents had gone back to Manchester .
2 if I have to wait for you I 'll wait forever cos your eggs are not done
3 If we do , we must act quickly because our members in the Health Service , Local Authorities and all public services are in danger of being approached by the creation of UNISON .
4 The 1944 Act specified only one compulsory subject for schools — religious education — and even there individual pupils could opt out if their parents wished .
5 He argued that families would do better if their members were altruistic .
6 And he said what the heck will I do now when my savings is gone ?
7 Martha could feel now that her toes were not only wet with sweat but also sticky with blood .
8 But even here , the conflict was not with her grandchild , who could benefit even when her parents did not .
9 This slightly understates the true cost of credit union lending for their members , as credit unions can work only if their members save as well as borrow , and the interest paid to members on savings with the unions ( though at the moment tax-free ) may be rather below the interest they could get from other institutions .
10 William of Germany is an ambitious man , and there have been some stupid individuals on the throne here who can not see further than their noses .
11 You ca n't see further than your noses ; you never move out of this damn county .
12 If they like you , your customers will buy more , your employees and suppliers will work harder and your shareholders will be more loyal — which is useful to fend off predators .
13 At three o'clock in the morning you could look up and their windows were blazing with light .
14 Through the lenses he could see clearly that their faces and clothing were covered with blood .
15 This takes a bit of practice and does not work well if you hands tend to be on the clammy side !
16 Putting one foot after the other in a style I have developed during cross-country runs organized by Cranborne School , I allowed my head to sort of loll forward and my legs to patter after it , leaving the middle bit of me completely free for inflation and deflation .
17 As most of these young people would move on before their children reached their teens , the church experienced little ‘ biological growth ’ in its adult membership .
18 Chris was now an auxiliary fireman and he and Maureen could meet only when their duties permitted .
19 It will certainly be a challenging year for , but with our strengths in quality and efficiency , we should fare better than our competitors and be in a strong position when better times return .
20 Down at about a thousand units erm you er b between ten thousand and a thousand units er you 'd suffer the symptoms of radiation sickness erm your hair would drop out and your teeth would drop out and you 'd vomit and your skin would turn a funny shade of green and and you 'd be very ill erm but you , you 'd probably recover er you might not but you , you , I mean people have actually had those sort of doses of radiation and have actually recovered er from it .
21 erm can I suggest then that we questions from from the public .
22 Most Bosnian Serbs are against the peace plan , but perhaps they will vote otherwise if their leaders powerfully tell them to .
23 All owners should respond positively when our pets are so much under the magnifying glass .
24 The conclusion of the first section was that a just government can exist even if its subjects are not bound by a general obligation to obey it .
25 The genetic learner may go astray if its strings are mostly similar .
26 I said I can understand , he said I had to turn and walk away because my fingers were itching
27 I 'll stand up unless my legs start to ache and then I 'll sit down again .
28 ‘ Ye 'll stay there till yer radicles roll off and yer congles coagulate , ye pestilential pokeweed ! ’
29 number one , well you get washing done and then you can come in when your hands are clean .
30 ‘ Young mums and mums-to-be can come along and their children can play and be looked after in safe surroundings while they enjoy a chat and a cup of tea . ’
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