Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] [adv] into the " in BNC.

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1 The skill of the lawyer existed in ensuring that the relationship between the statements in his legal discourse was such that it would lead to a legal outcome which would translate back directly into the outcome chosen by the client as formulated in his or her own , non-legal discourse .
2 The light breeze wont shift the cloud , which 'll hang around well into the evening .
3 Cradled it in his palm like a small injured dove , and let it fall softly back into the silk cup .
4 When you tip the seed from the packet it is hard to believe that from almost every one a plant will arise , so do not let them fall too thickly into the soil .
5 ‘ I Was Dora Suarez is one of Raymond 's celebrated sequence of ‘ black ’ novels , and it is difficult to see how he can borrow any further into the darkness inside us all without popping out the other side .
6 That day the bones of the brother of my mother who went to the bottom of the sea will rise up through the green waters , and when they meet the air they will take on his flesh again , and he will swim far up into the endless air and he will meet the old man , free of his dust walking in the air , and my mother flying , and me flying , and I will be laughing .
7 We would work together late into the night to get a scene right between us .
8 The sunlight is strong and as the water gets nearer the bright blue of the sky has less and less effect on the colours of the gravel bed and waving weeds until at the bottom of the picture you can see straight down into the clear water .
9 After a moment Fenella 's eyes grew used to the dimness and she could see quite plainly into the room .
10 I believe that we must look very closely into the alternative meal .
11 ‘ We will look very closely into the suggestion that the operation was cancelled because we were short-staffed , I would be very surprised if that was the case , ’ he said .
12 Can we move on please into the next general item which is the er , er sorry the badly
13 Now , from rock nineteen ninety three style , let us move slowly back into the mists of time and a real rave from the grave : Elvis .
14 ‘ His name is Aldhelm , ’ said Cadfael flatly , and rose from his knees , letting the soiled face sink back gently into the leafmould .
15 According to the LFS code book , temporary jobs in the first category can include jobs the termination of which " is fixed for , by example , reaching a certain date or completing an assignment , or by return of an employee who has been temporarily replaced " ( our italics ) i.e. jobs that could fit equally well into the second category whilst jobs in the second category are taken to include those with " a work contract for a specific task or a fixed period of time " ( our italics ) i.e jobs that could fit equally well into the first category .
16 According to the LFS code book , temporary jobs in the first category can include jobs the termination of which " is fixed for , by example , reaching a certain date or completing an assignment , or by return of an employee who has been temporarily replaced " ( our italics ) i.e. jobs that could fit equally well into the second category whilst jobs in the second category are taken to include those with " a work contract for a specific task or a fixed period of time " ( our italics ) i.e jobs that could fit equally well into the first category .
17 Most users will seldom have more than , say , half a dozen additional fonts and these will probably all fit quite happily into the System file itself .
18 Indeed , as the writing system was not standardized , it is likely that variation of this kind would enter more readily into the texts than it would today , and that it may therefore be possible by comparing texts to trace the pattern by which one variant recedes and another spreads .
19 Schooling , according to Eggleston ( 1974 ) and Shipman ( 1972 ) , has a definite effect on human behaviour and values , and , according to Bronfenbrenner ( 1972 ) can even enter quite profoundly into the socialization process .
20 The D R one A is currently an excellent er tactical reconnaissance aircraft , all weather , at night etcetera and er it will go on well into the next century so there 's no great hurry to make a decision er one of the first points has got ta be decided is whether we carry the reconnaissance equipment in a pod under the aircraft replacing some of the other weapons or whether we try to build it in and er but taking first things first we have to get the requirement sorted out .
21 He did not go any further into the room but stood in the door keeping a watchful eye on Evans .
22 Note that it ‘ should ’ lead directly down into the Throne Room ( 29 ) , but it does n't .
23 There seemed to be a door cut into the wall that was farthest away from the window ; Fenella , trying to get her bearings , thought it would lead more deeply into the Workshops , perhaps even back and back into the cave part .
24 While a number of such problems can be treated successfully with deep-acting remedies or hypnotherapy , there are occasions when these can not reach deeply enough into the patient 's core .
25 Even those of us who are keen to return the residents to London can not turn the clock back to those days , but I recommend Tower House to someone who would like to see Malmesbury go more gently into the future .
26 ‘ If you make me leave the table , Hughie , I shall go straight down into the kitchen .
27 On the other hand , you will have gathered already that we are going to talk about Greater York , so I think there may be some distinct benefit and merit in you being he here to listen to that , er particular part of the topic , now the , I hope in fact that we can deal with the remainder of H One , because it it does lead quite logically into the next issue which we want to talk about , which is the new settlement in the Greater York area , er and I hope that we can get through this item by our morning break , that but whenever we do conclude on H One we will have to have a slightly longer break just to enable the seating arrangements to be sorted out properly for all participants who are involved in the discussion on the new settlement .
28 The short answer is that there are too many imponderables for a neatly overall prediction , and only time will tell how far into the future a given photograph or negative is likely to survive .
29 ( In this paper I can not go very far into the available wealth of fact and conjecture in the neurophysiology of language , psycholinguistic theories of language acquisition , and comparative studies of man and other primates .
30 It is unlikely that many visitors will peer too closely into the workings of Spain after a decade of socialist rule .
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