Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] would be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The case really turned on section 78 , as to which the judge had said ‘ whilst accepting the impressive evidence of the doctor , I do not think I would be justified in excluding this confession , ’ adding ‘ I do not think that section 78 really is aimed at , in truth , the circumstances here appertaining . ’
2 ‘ Now why should you think I would be harbouring thoughts of revenge , unless … ’ she let a silence grow ‘ … you know a very good reason why I should feel that way ? ’
3 If I did , do you think I would be sitting here letting you rough me up ?
4 Now a mature 10-year-old , Lois , from Aintree , says : ‘ I do n't think I would be doing comedy if it was n't for my dad . ’
5 How could he possibly know you would be coming here ? ’
6 An expert owes no duty in tort if there has been no reference of an issue to him and he did not know who would be affected by his certificate .
7 ‘ It was right and proper to let Paul know he would be playing . ’
8 Any advice you could give me would be appreciated .
9 So is n't the only way you could do it would be to issue it secretly to cadres you would then expect the cadres to take this up and promote it but you have n't actually broken the conditions in the United Front .
10 She did not report it because she did not think she would be believed .
11 She too had been suspicious , for Caro had deliberately misled her , letting her believe she would be sharing Water Gypsy with another woman .
12 But you do realize you would be lynched if you did n't do Poor Man ,
13 What would really terrify him would be to take to an experienced orchestra a Rachmaninov symphony , or well-known works , where everyone had expectations of a fresh miracle .
14 If this does occur it would be expected that more than one member of the same family would be infected and that the same strain of H pylori would be present in more than one member of the same family .
15 I suppose this is erm , a caricature , a self portrait this little , I , in fact I was , really actually hilarious as I felt that , I , I , do n't actually know an awful lot about Gaugin , but if , if I knew nothing about him at all , I would of thought he was having a bit of joke of himself with this , but er , being the person that he was I ca n't image that he had that quality , that , I do n't believe he would be laughing at himself , erm , erm , the symbolism erm and conflict of this painting its dazzles me more than , than the colour or at least as much as the colours in it , but there 's a , there 's a half eaten , well it is n't half eaten , but there 's half an apple at the top and , and that was the , the way into me finally , for , for writing about this , this again is a shopping list , I call it a shopping list , this is just visual images that , that will be opened out at some point and turn it into something , and my images were erm Shoulders of the matador smoking snakes , dare to bit an apple , see one half gone and still I wear a halo intact , that I 'm sure I 've completely wrong about him as a , a person , but as the painting that 's obviously something else , erm , I found that one of the things that were he 's , I , I think probably that everybody who writes is that you 'll come to a point when you ca n't write , you stop writing , you have n't got anything you want to write about , or your frightened of writing , and I devise exercises so that , that does n't happened to me , I think writing is like any skill you have to keep doing it to be able to do it , its , you , some of it is a game and the rest of it is hard work , and one of the exercises I , I delighted using erm a portrait of a woman erm , its about erm the er still life , its the back one , yes this one here , I have , I , I hope to use this as a writing exercise I found the , the maths in this and the colour of the piece of fruit in the background , very interesting because most of the colours to me seem a , a lot less vibrant then many of his other paintings , and so they , they attracted me and have a , a strong sense of erm , er a hidden desire in that and so it , to use it as a writing exercise which I intend doing , it will be able about a situation of character 's with erm something that 's hidden , some desire , I do n't , the , not even spoke about to themselves or , or generally , erm I like to sort of say that came from those two little , just this amounts of colour which seemed to be saying such a lot
16 Going up the seminary hill to his Residence-I do n't think one would be justified in calling it a palace , gracious old house that it was — I felt giddy .
17 He went on to say that if I did not return I would be making myself voluntarily homeless and would never be re-housed .
18 The speaker paused in his speech and warned that if they did not stop they would be removed .
19 The letter did not indicate what would be blown up or where the blast would be staged , one of the defence lawyers , Austin Campriello , said .
20 Drivers are professionals who are employed to race where their teams compete and I do n't think they would be penalised for doing their jobs . ’
21 Do you think they would be making a mistake ?
22 and he , he just goes around thumping , kicking and , and going berserk during drama and the teacher just looks on and says calm down and I mean in view of the fact I 've written to the school and complained about , but you 'd think they would be keeping an eye and he hates drama so much and it , he 's got drama tomorrow , if he has any trouble tomorrow morning I 'm not sending him tomorrow afternoon I 'm gon na start keeping him home and if they ask why I 'm gon na say because you ca n't control your classes and you wo n't want to now
23 That would mean you would be looking at something on the A sixty four north or happily for Mr , the A sixty four south or the A nineteen south .
24 And Melanie 's laughter trickled to nothing when she saw his pale , bony face half-hidden by hair and could see nothing there , no hint of a smile or inflection of tenderness which might mean she would be spared .
25 Metering would mean they would be paying an unjustifiably high price for a service that they can not do without , ’ says Chairman Lady Wilcox .
26 I do n't suppose it would be thinking about it now , because they would probably have to join the queue like everybody else , would that be right ?
27 As soon as he could walk he would be taught to ride , for horse-riding was inseparable from high social rank .
28 The words which I have read are plain : it was Mr. Vanbergen who said he was going down to Eastbourne , that he was going down as part of his business , and that he did not think he would be getting back after his business on Thursday in time to pay it on Thursday , and the concession arose out of the question whether or not the debtor could be back in town in time to bring it himself , because he frankly said he was trying to get a little more time .
29 erm I think that the amount is justified , erm I do n't think it would be justified to increase spending on twinning by any large amount .
30 However he did n't think it would be done during his own diving career …
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