Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] in [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We can describe them in terms of electrical activity in the brain , but this does not really tell us much .
2 Before 18 months , a child wo n't recognise herself in the mirror and for a long time will describe herself in terms of attributes ( like smallness ) and her possessions .
3 You can even grow them in pots for a balcony
4 This may show itself in attempts to ‘ beat the system ’ .
5 But the recognition since of the tremendous value of historic buildings of all types , the successful conversion of buildings for new uses and a public determination that history will not repeat itself in terms of the demolition and desecration that was then taking place , have inspired us — and many local amenity societies , preservation trusts , action groups and individuals — to carry on campaigning .
6 It is not appropriate to judge a novel or film , a work of art or philosophy in political terms if the work in question does not take that form ( i.e. , does not organize itself in terms of political discourse ) .
7 ( You can measure the length of a cricket pitch in terms of the height of a tankard , if you wish , because they are both lengths , but you can not specify it in terms of pints because volume and length are of different dimensions . )
8 Yeah , but he would say that you ca n't do it in terms of space and time .
9 These will lead to other moves and I have quite positive hopes for what that will bring us in terms of focus and , again , costs .
10 Miggs 's phrase comes from Ps. 2 : 9 , ‘ Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter 's vessel ’ .
11 Thou shalt break them with the rod of iron , thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter 's vessel .
12 Stressing the need for the rich cadences and rhythms of the Book of Common Prayer , he said people loved them because they could remember them in times of crisis .
13 Stressing the need for the rich cadences and rhythms of the Book of Common Prayer , he said people loved them because they could remember them in times of crisis .
14 However early performers and audiences construed the metaphors or the financial/numerical language , it is fairly certain that they did n't explicitly understand them in terms of Freeman 's image schemas , or as explicable in terms of their bodies .
15 Other warriors will follow him in raids against neighbouring tribes and the success of these expeditions may lead to his appointment as a war chief .
16 Reichian analysis would see it in terms of our level of character armouring .
17 but I have actually worked for organizations where they do see it in terms of those centimetre arr erm measurements and that 's a you know I mean it 's funny when I 've been giving talks on communications erm one of the things I say to people is erm where your stuff appears is crucial do n't worry about one and page three .
18 But why have they actually said , to ask specifically , I mean , you can understand it in terms of the cars , or something , cos a lot of people are claiming for everything right left and centre .
19 But our sources do not for the most part interest themselves in times of peace — the impression from Diodorus ' own narrative is that Dionysius did little but fight wars against Carthage ; but Carthaginian aggressiveness , like Persian , was exaggerated by ‘ crusading ’ Greek historiography and poetry .
20 In the present there is only the attention of the soul by means of which the future becomes the past , and only when the constant diminishing of the future of the sound has made it entirely past can the mind measure it in terms of some preconceived standard .
21 Er I 'm not surprised if it turns out and people think it 's good cos I spend when I 'm in the part it becomes my life so I do n't really judge it in terms of good or bad , I just it becomes like breathing .
22 But the gradient the gradient of the hill erm you could express it in terms of an angle could n't you ?
23 Parasites , too , do n't have to live inside their hosts ; their genes can express themselves in hosts at a distance .
24 Where this might lead us in terms of political thought remains to be seen .
25 As Marx remarked , even when we make our own history , we do not make it in conditions of our own choosing and much of it is made behind our backs .
26 I can most clearly explain it in terms of the absences of thinking and doing .
27 Yeah yeah certainly , erm I think that 's er that 's good , well if , if you can , if you can access it er in some way informally or , or , you know , it 's probably un unlikely that you 'd get too much stuff in writing as you say but , you know , er it could be very er productive and interesting erm tt erm can that sort of thing , particularly if you can get it in terms of quotes from people , you can sort of , you know , make a project look quite nice because it looks like if you do all this , you know , sort of stuff with the attitude scales it , it 's er it gives you lots of nice numerical data but er
28 Yes but they do n't put it in words like you put , they put it in blooming complicated language , but tell lies .
29 Jot will be supported in Go 's PenPoint operating system by year-end , and Microsoft will implement it in Windows for Pen , while General Magic will make it part of Telescript , its cross-system communications standard .
30 But at the end of 1990 the group was reorganised and Mr Wise was less happy with the outcome : ‘ I found the general direction in which the group was going did n't really satisfy me in terms of long-term interests or challenge , so I decided to bite the bullet . ’
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