Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] and [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The women would look up and congratulate me and encourage me to ‘ go on , go on , you can , you can ’ .
2 Moving on to Zimbabwe 's admission to Test ranks , one can only congratulate them and wish them well , while inevitably questioning their prospects in that kind of company .
3 When thou wast young , thou girdedst thyself and walkedst whither thou wouldst ; but when thou shalt be old , thou shalt stretch forth thy hands and another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldst not .
4 Yet there remains an important element of truth in the observation , ‘ another shall gird thee and carry thee whither thou wouldst not ’ .
5 Yes we do make them and sell them .
6 Sports heroes and pop stars provide images for teenagers , who may imitate them and style themselves upon them .
7 He wanted to take me where the cold would hurt me and make me more miserable .
8 Rigorists rejected compromise : they would surrender nothing and understood it to be of the essence of their Christian allegiance that every Lord 's day they would unfailingly celebrate the eucharist .
9 The making of great telescopes , and of the mountings which would direct them and keep them focused on a star , required great industrial resources and skill .
10 Jeremiah , the Old Testament prophet , assures us of God 's promise : ‘ You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart . ’
11 He can catch them and gut them .
12 I remember when I was working on the building sites in Manchester , the Irish lads called onions " navvies ' apples " and some of them would peel them and eat them whole like fruit .
13 ‘ Well , ’ he said , ‘ you can peel them and boil them or cut them up and fry them or … ’
14 ‘ For God 's sake , lie still , or I might be tempted to forget I do n't respect you and take what we both want ! ’ he ordered tersely .
15 ‘ I can either trust you and allow you to take charge of the whole business , or I can decide you 're not to be trusted and take charge of things myself .
16 ‘ Well , come down and I 'll introduce you and put you forward ’ — because he was something well-to-do there .
17 These fellows for fun would pinch one and put it on another step , and do this going all down the road .
18 If , in Lady Chatterley 's Lover , the scales were to fall from Connie 's eyes and she were to see the worship of Mellor 's phallus for what it is , a means of subordinating and oppressing women , she could free herself and develop her authentic will , ego and individuality .
19 He admits that they did not trust him and avoided him .
20 She must judge , too ; he thought she would trust him and let him have his way .
21 In response to this request he gave them the Lord 's Prayer , in which we pray first of all for God Himself , that all may know him and revere Him , that his mile may be extended over all , and that his will , so right and good and loving , may be done on earth , as it is by angels , prophets and saints in heaven .
22 If a harem is travelling alone and encounters an all-male group , the male then faces the risk that adult males from the group will attack him and usurp his reproductive role .
23 The jockey 's race never stops … never stalls … so far this season Richard Dunwoody has had three hundred and sixty nine rides … he should be celebrating his century of winners any day … only one man can catch him and stop him and that 's Peter Scudamore … at Wincanton this week the reigning champion came galloping back with a winning treble …
24 With luck , with his whistling that loud Jack would catch him and see him off .
25 So fine is it that even the slightest movement in the air will catch it and lift it .
26 Humans ca n't catch it and pass it on , especially not through solid glass.in But he refused to give ground on this issue .
27 However , many things had happened during the two years since she had been told that her mother had died of the fever and that , prior to this , she had not been allowed to see her in case she should catch it and spread it further .
28 How he 's supposed to tax and insure it and run it ? have said !
29 An unidentified spokesman for the V&A was quoted in The Independent newspaper of 16 May , 1992 ( which featured several colour illustrations from the album ) as stating , ‘ We have always said that we could not raise the money to buy it , but would be very happy if someone would buy it and give it to us ’ .
30 you might as well buy it and leave it at home .
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