Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] with [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One solution that government has used is to replace or override them with more compliant organisations such as the urban development corporations referred to above .
2 And it is no surprise that the man who first addressed a novel called The Joke to the citizens of a prohibitionist state in the middle of Europe twenty-five years ago should treat them with as much sympathy as harsh lucidity .
3 I expect Sinbad feels that as I 'm in the last few months of my final year , she 'd better pack me with as much experience as possible before I get whisked away to act staff nurse in some ward .
4 Get to the point , tell people what they need to know and do it with as much style , clarity and substance as possible .
5 For one thing it was too babyish — Moses Arkwright would never do anything with so little risk attached to it — and for another , deep in the dark of his mind a small seed of moral uneasiness had begun to germinate .
6 Potential buyers would have access to the book which , it is suggested , would provide them with more meaningful information when they are ‘ shopping around ’ for a home .
7 Yet , unfortunately this positive role so often gets lost in the way we have described earlier , with people just not understanding what is going on around them at a time when it could provide them with so much support .
8 Rather more than half of current employees , however , contribute to an occupational pension scheme which will provide them with substantially greater benefits than the state pension .
9 Further , firms can create networks of joint ventures which will provide them with much richer learning opportunities than a long-term marriage to a single partner might .
10 Often we may equate them with more formal partnerships which fall by the wayside after only a short existence ; except that in their breakdown the feelings of guilt , humiliation and bitterness may occur even more strongly than when an " honest " attempt is felt to have been made .
11 This group , which does not ally itself with either American intervention or with Marxists , represents the greater part of the church in Central America .
12 That er , if built , would provide us with about ten percent of our electricity at current rates of use .
13 Cale also had misgivings about setting Thomas 's poems to music , ‘ because they sound really beautiful and I did n't know whether I could take something with so much noise in them , so much built-in jazz , and maintain it . ’
14 If you think that such a pattern will take too long , you can always mix it with either plain stocking stitch or striped ( yes , they creep in here too ) sections .
15 He has probably found some awkward connection on the other side of town , south of the river , where reggae blares , and they wo n't cut it with too much sugar …
16 He could hurt her with so little , she reflected , realising that she was finding it more and more difficult to keep hatred alive as a counterbalance to love .
17 It would leave them with just three more qualifiers to close the series and all of them to be played in Ireland against Lithuania in September , Spain in October and Northern Ireland , in Belfast , in November .
18 We shall content ourselves with just two examples .
19 Another defeat , or even a draw for Taylor , will leave him with so much work to do to close the gap .
20 But when the time comes , I shall express myself with as much seriousness and freedom of mind as possible .
21 Just as you should not overload your argument with cases , you should not load it with too many separate points of law .
22 Four of the highest judges likely to retire soon will replace them with more liberal appointments .
23 As a consequence , he may find himself with as many as forty eggs in his charge .
24 If we had proportional representation , the Conservative party would find itself with rather more influence in a Parliament in Scotland than it has here .
25 The same opposition of criticism and scholarship and the same demand that criticism should concern itself with specifically literary properties are the inspiration of two of the best-known theoretical products of the New Criticism , the essays on ‘ The intentional fallacy ’ and ‘ The affective fallacy ’ written jointly by Wimsatt and Beardsley and published in the Sewanee Review in 1946 and 1949 respectively ( now in Wimsatt 1958 : 1 — 39 ) .
26 Only after the revolution of 1868 , however , did Japan concern herself with more formal relations with her Asian neighbours .
27 But Hendry was unwittingly being protected behind a wall of silence , Doyle deciding that it was pointless to unduly alarm him with so many big tournaments coming up and while police collaborated with British Telecom to try and trace the woman .
28 God , it hurt to think that their love-making meant so little to him that he could dismiss it with so little difficulty .
29 Sunderland could find themselves with only 18,000 tickets , and with 5,000 season ticket holders taking priority , it looks as though many fans are going to be disappointed , whichever method is adopted .
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