Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] in [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 you do n't want them in cars do you , really ?
2 This seminar is designed specifically for all those who come into contact with IBM 's products and terminology and who want to be able to understand and discuss them in order to carry out their jobs more effectively .
3 ‘ Do you know anybody in town called Ben MacLean ?
4 There are some types of case which it can not sustain , and some which do not need it in order to remain at home ; but there is a group — those with relatively severe dementia , probably living alone , and unable to receive the care they need from elsewhere ( usually because they do not have able and willing involved relatives ) who appear unlikely to have remained at home had it not been for the involvement of the Home Support Project .
5 And that caught the interest of everyone straight away er , budgeting , how to be able to look at banking etcetera , and I said well and I want you to do that first so I do n't mind mainly because I was gon na work wi with Anne about the , with the environments , and then it 's science , could n't cover with the with the environment that she would like me in tutorial to do and er she has n't , well it 's not her now , unfortunately , I think it 's Sue that is supposed to be working with me cos I want to do something on recycling of rubbish etcetera within the school and do a big sort of er project on it .
6 I can see nothing in principle to prevent a contemnor applying to the first instance court to be released from custody on the ground that the failure to serve him with the committal order has kept him in ignorance of the contempts for which he has been imprisoned and that , in the circumstances , justice requires his release .
7 ‘ Now do you believe me when I say that I did n't touch you in order to prove some theory about your boyfriend meaning nothing to you ? ’
8 A clause similar to the following should be included : In order for our investors to proceed with their due diligence , we would ask for your consent to the following : ( a ) that senior management within the [ Group ] can be made aware of the proposed management buy-out and that we can be allowed to provide information to the investors and their advisers , subject to satisfactory letters of confidentiality on both sides ; ( b ) that the investor can instruct [ investigating accountants ] to commence work on producing an accountant 's report on the [ Group ] ; ( c ) that [ investigating accountants ] can contact [ existing auditors ] to obtain historical financial information in respect of the [ Group ] and shall be entitled to have access to the existing auditors ' working papers ; ( d ) that our advisers can contact you in order to progress this transaction .
9 Anyone who wants the Ring does so because they are convinced that they could use it in order to destroy Darkness .
10 And you can bet no-one in football has been thinking or working harder than Ray Harford in the week and a half closedown of the Premier League — and Blackburn 's dream .
11 Please ring me at the above number and I will meet you in Paris to escort you to the hospital .
12 They 'd sometimes er take them in vans depending where they lived and how many of them , but where there was a single one two police used to escort him , and they escorted him what , where we what they call the viaduct .
13 Let's take it in tun to tell each other about our families , our interests and hobbies and things like that .
14 They had passed the phone from hand to hand , listening to Lori 's terrified silence ; and they would take it in turn to say , ‘ We know everything ; we know all about you . ’
15 It was all quite civilised and there were so many of us girls there that we could take it in turn to do the observations .
16 Speakers would take it in turn to speak , would be applauded , and would return to the auditorium to applaud more speakers , more poseurs .
17 Alternatively , the duke might give the post to someone who would take it in order to oblige the town council of Glasgow , perhaps even a member of that council , or one of the town 's lawyers .
18 In reply to Kate Westwood 's letter in the February issue , why does she not join together with other knitters or any other craft makers and open a small shop , selling other people 's crafts on commission ? they could take it in turns looking after it .
19 They would then take it in turns to piece together each others jigsaw , guaranteed to keep them happy for years .
20 They 'll take it in turns to man the winches … and wheel and cook in the galley …
21 ‘ Then we can take it in turns visiting each other ! ’
22 I did n't have it in mind to go looking for a four-piece group .
23 He went on flatly : ‘ So I fixed things for him — he was posted to Germany ; we did n't want him in London having to ride the cocktail circuit . ’
24 During these early years children form attitudes and perceptions which will be with them for life and so we must nurture in the children those attitudes and values which will be with them for life and so we must nurture in the children those attitudes and values which will serve them in years to come .
25 If only she 'd leave me in peace to enjoy it .
26 Perhaps we 'll reach him in time to help him . ’
27 Lendl 's concern that Mecir 's shrewder shots would pass him in mid-court made for a characteristic back-court performance and a 6-4 , 4-6 , 4-6 , 6-1 , 6-4 victory for a $100,000 ( £62,500 ) prize .
28 Two handles make the grill pan easy to use , and it has safety stops which will hold it in place leaving both hands free to turn over .
29 We will be promoting debate on Charity Law issues , and on how voluntary organisations should organise and manage themselves in order to respond to the contract culture , which is being created by changes in the organisation of Community Care , the N H S , the role of local authorities , and other fields .
30 What you need to do is to be able to provide a private sector a certain level of certainty , that the concession will be er granted long enough so that one can recover both your costs an=and certainly be able to make a profit and so er to the extent that the franchises that are being considered are short natured , seven years , er that becomes rather disadvantageous and unattractive er concessions of twenty and thirty and forty years , and and really thirty thirty to forty year period er do make it in fact make it very attractive for private sector involvement .
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