Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adv] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many are being refitted with the same smart new decor which will make them easier to spot on the high street .
2 However , the success of the Inuit is based far more on dressing , housing and feeding themselves as well as possible , and avoiding risks that would expose them unduly to cold .
3 If you are to have one set of valuable notes , do n't lend them even to friends !
4 Yggdrasil ran the Tunney and Bishopric Conscriptions routinely , on a subconscious level , and did n't tie them in to Princetown until it cross-referenced with skimmer flightpaths and power outage in the west of England .
5 A real detective superintendent investigating a murder will confine himself largely to facts and only at the height of questioning someone he is almost certain is his quarry is he likely to go into motivation as a way , as often as not , of bring about a final confession .
6 Can I direct you then to page sixty-one , recommendations in paragraph eight .
7 Disobey me in this and I shall pack you off to Framlingham and send Joan elsewhere — more quickly than you could say wedding-bells ! ’
8 They 'd pack her back to England .
9 He started to smile , teasing me , and for the second time I was convinced that someone would flourish it back to existence , that it was all only a game .
10 Like other Ministers , Chancellors do not confine themselves solely to matters where they have a departmental interest .
11 But they took me away after that awful morning and did n't send me back to Byron House for another year and a half .
12 Do not send me back to Hanoi empty handed . ’
13 Would Mills Roberts wish to retain my services as the Brigade Piper or would he send me back to Achnacarry ?
14 I feel I am at last in the hands of someone who will bring me back to health , to life .
15 I feel I shall at last be in the hands of someone who will bring me back to health , to life .
16 What they do n't seem to realise is that we do n't keep spares in the office , so all we can do is send them on to Ablex anyway , so you 'll have longer to wait .
17 Bridget Ewing has indicated her willingness to once again stand for re-election ; however if there are any nominations for this position will you please send them in to Hilda at the Office by 2nd April or as time is short and you know of anyone who would like to be proposed — please ring Hilda with her name BUT this must be followed up with written confirmation .
18 Britain 's two banned weightlifters were waiting for phone calls that would send them back to Barcelona .
19 So I can send them back to HQ .
20 However , the handover of powers brought the institutions that had evolved from the old workhouses into the hands of authorities that could more effectively bring them up to date .
21 No , Chief has n't set any questions , erm , the other change to this has been to remove the fire 's special interest and we 've put in as a separate paper , so that we can bring them up to date .
22 ‘ Shall I bring them down to Water Gypsy this evening , or will you come up to Chimneys to see them ? ’
23 Thousands of students , particularly from Beijing , were sent to undertake ‘ social practice ’ during the summer vacation in the hope that contact With ‘ real life ’ would bring them down to earth and give them a more realistic assessment of society .
24 I think we 'll send someone else to Tokyo .
25 ‘ Now , I better bring you up to date a bit .
26 We 'll bring you up to date at 5.40pm .
27 I 'd better bring you up to date on what 's been happening since I saw you . ’
28 Give Ellis a ring before lunch-time and he 'll bring you up to date .
29 We 'll bring you up to date on the situation later in the programme .
30 Er , at some time during the course of tomorrow morning , I 'll try and bring you up to date as to where we are in terms of the items that have fell off the agenda so far .
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