Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pron] [adv] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 I could throw them out and replace them with Bretons , ’ said Thorfinn .
2 Perhaps the Gruagach had been following them , keeping just out of sight , waiting until they dismounted , ready to reach out and scoop them up and carry them back to Tara and the roasting spits …
3 I thought of asking that old fool , but I decided he 'd probably unsettle them more than calm them down . ’
4 Would it slow them down or make them more vicious ?
5 While this may not create such serious problems if the dog is a small Jack Russell terrier , a larger dog could quite easily knock someone over and cause serious injury .
6 I think could chop them up and use them to make road surfaces with .
7 Cos I mean , yo you can easily chop them off and put summat else smaller on ca n't you with lamps on ?
8 You must tie them together and bury them under the great gate of the city .
9 There are , for example , points of difference between the two men themselves in terms of background and , very probably , of character and disposition which , could one know them fully and evaluate them properly , might allow a closer and more subtle comparison .
10 The other table what we had before was better , was no much so much time involved , by the time you 'd screw them round and turn 'em , to saw them into blocks there was a lot of time involved in it .
11 When the Minotaur heard their cries it would seek them out and kill them .
12 ( More quietly ) You scream and choke and sink to your knees , but it does n't bring death home to anyone — it does n't catch them unawares and start the whisper in their skulls that says — " One day you are going to die . "
13 ‘ Why do n't you strip me down and go over me with a scrubbin' brush ? ’
14 Sometimes , when in funds , as he thought of it , he would spruce himself up and visit the West End where occasionally he would come across a wartime crony in a small , ex-officers ' club in South Kensington .
15 Then he could go out and enjoy himself unashamedly and leave serious , studious Doctor Jekyll to get on with his important , life-saving work . ’
16 Once you have let anybody in they 'd chop you up and put you in their next stew
17 You do not feel inhibited because you have n't prepared adequately or fear that other people might catch you out or ridicule you .
18 ‘ Why did n't they tie you up or guard you or something ? ’
19 Then when he 'd done with her he 'd screw her up and throw her away .
20 They played a lively game of Hide ‘ N ’ Seek , where the little hedgehog would crawl away to hide in the weeds or under pile of leaves and the big beast would seek her out and bark loudly when he found her .
21 ‘ Or do n't tell me that all those questions about Ryan were simply so that you could track him down and make him pay the money back ? ’
22 No they would buy it somewhere and sell it at a profit you see .
23 I was gon na screw it up and throw it at you .
24 Sons of louts grappled with the coffin in vain ; they could neither cram it in nor twist it out .
25 And again , as Jimmy said , do n't knock the system , you know there are mistakes made but we do n't hang it up and say look know we 've made lots of mistakes , you 're , you 're undermining your own erm performance .
26 It 'd make me pack it in and go to Canada if I was younger , but you ca n't leave England , can you ? ’
27 But I would , I would like to just like pack it in and go .
28 Look how he blooded Speed and Batty … he did nt chuck them in and hope for the best .
29 And I only hope that in the end our roads will become so clogged with all these fume-belching cars and lorries that everyone will give them up and start going by train again .
30 When at last we got home , I would gently carry them indoors and put them into their beds , still asleep .
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