Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adj] when [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tail square , but may appear forked when pressed against tree trunk .
2 To work out which way the pile runs , rub your hand over the carpet — it will feel smooth when running with the pile , and rough when going against the pile .
3 The sensitive , the unsure , the non-aggressive boy reader must often feel inadequate when faced with the ‘ ideal boy ’ of stories .
4 On occasions , some of the rules can appear esoteric when viewed in isolation but can usually be explained by reference to one of the General Principles .
5 A stronger indication still of the difference between sense-qualifiers and referent-qualifiers is that the former examples will remain odd even when the relevant noun is indicated by the context ( yet there will be no problem with the referent-qualifiers ) : ( 15 ) that stranger is a total one the kid was a mere one ( 16 ) his hut is a rudimentary one the tree felled was a deciduous one Again we may note that the other pair of sense-qualifying adjectives from example ( 1 ) do not sound odd when used with an indefinite head : ( 17 ) a lawful one the distant one but this is not surprising because they are adjectives with more than one meaning ; in one of these they are ordinary referent-qualifiers and hence they may quite freely occur in ( 17 ) with a presumption that the referent-qualifying meaning is the one desired .
6 Furthermore , any dwelling below these " control limits " would become decontrolled when let to a new tenant .
7 Must remember this when tempted into the local hen shop. ) 9 pm Ben Frow arrives to try on costumes for Re:Joyce .
8 And therefore the schools should remember this when looking into going for other options , which may mean there 's very little difference between them and the D S O , and the fact that th that the profits made by the D S O will be lost if they have n't got that contract , and I think that 's a very important point that they should take on , and I think a lot of schools miss out on that particular idea .
9 Natural wood can look stunning when contrasted with smooth laminates .
10 Being brick-sized , they can be used to create a wide range of more detailed patterns in themselves but can also look attractive when interwoven amongst larger paving units .
11 Some habitual or excessive users can stop smoking when convinced by evidence of progressive respiratory and cardiovascular damage .
12 Giant water bugs may go rigid when taken from the water and may hold this ‘ frozen ’ posture for as long as fifteen minutes .
13 One official wrote that the missing cattle ‘ have probably been driven off some distance by some of the bolder spirits of the village , and hired out for the season to some not over-scrupulous cultivator , with instructions to let them go loose when done with .
14 Under arrest on suspicion since October 1990 , the two , both of whom held the rank of general under Communist rule , did not plead guilty when indicted in the Warsaw provincial court on Feb. 11 .
15 Also , because of his terrible sense of direction , he would get lost when hunting for the wrong things and Endill had to spend much of his time searching for him , almost getting lost himself .
16 A concentration on seemingly abstract ideas like ‘ masculinity ’ and ‘ femininity ’ may seem esoteric when compared to issues of whether girls are actively discriminated against in education .
17 Yet their forced complexity came to make them seem unconvincing when compared with the eventual attractions of the heliocentric system .
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