Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adj] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I always wan na paint that a different colour .
2 The guidance advises the accountant that test checks on a suitable number of controlled trust accounts may make possible a corresponding decrease in the number of checks in respect of other accounts .
3 You might think this a cheap revenge on a dead lady critic simply for pointing out that Flaubert did n't have a very reliable notion of Emma Bovary 's eyes .
4 You might think this a true conversation-stopper but the Queen has a comeback : ‘ I should like us to be friends . ’
5 WILLIAMS : Do not think this a sudden resolution .
6 Devon and West Torridge : Friday afternoon declaration could make this a crucial seat ; Emma Nicholson , who angered some local supporters by backing Michael Heseltine in leadership election , is fighting challenge of David McBride.Falmouth and Camborne : Former double Olympic gold medallist Sebastian Coe in first attempt to become an MP ; but Lib Dems believe retiring Tory David Mudd 's majority of just over 5,000 is vulnerable to Mrs Terrye Jones , chairman of the local district council .
7 But I would not make this a necessary condition when designing a border , since to do so would be to deny oneself the pleasure of many first-rate foliage plants .
8 You can make this a reciprocal arrangement .
9 The variety of subject search approaches and output formats should ultimately make this a valuable service — although to realize full potential it must achieve a more comprehensive coverage of publishers than at present .
10 One matter which I should like to have seen included would almost certainly have merited parliamentary discussion before the inevitable dissolution of this Parliament , which will make this a short Session .
11 The outcome of perhaps three days ' work is often no more than ten points on a flip chart , and we would consider that a good rate of striking .
12 Mr Heseltine may well count this a political triumph .
13 Those who could not consider such a utilitarian plaything , even for a joke , will have to hand over nearly £2,000 more for the four-litre version , which will arrive in the spring complete with typically American equipment such as air conditioning , electric windows and central-locking — plus standstill to 60 mph in under nine seconds and an even larger thirst .
14 It did not seem that I could survive such a volcanic attack from deep within my own system .
15 I doubt that either of us could survive such a lengthy association . ’
16 Indeed in some ways the proof is rather simpler than Theorem 1 , since it does not need such a complex structure of nested recursions .
17 A pedestal basin generally has a slightly larger washing area than a wall-hung basin ; it does n't need such a secure fixing , and the supporting pedestal hides the plumbing , but it can only be installed at one height .
18 He believes that , because so many of the Yanomami have been killed by disease , they do n't need such a large area and has called for a new study of their territory .
19 But what we found was that the heavier breeds , the wine dots and the Rhode Island Reds , they did n't need such a high fence as what the leghorns or any of the lighter breeds needed .
20 You could trust such a friendly person — could n't you ?
21 On September 1st , as soon as she was back in Florence , she had sent £12 , almost ten months ' wages to Ellen and had stressed the importance of letting her know such a large sum of money had arrived .
22 Wanting to keep their plans secret , and convinced that ‘ no one would fund such a crazy idea ’ , they paid for the initial experiments out of their own pockets .
23 Though the tarmac takes a smooth U-turn on to the next straight , rider and machine will not describe such a graceful arc .
24 Some people will regard such a massive exercise in organization with awe .
25 ‘ So it did , as it was meant to do , but I did n't expect or want such a drastic test . ’
26 He doubted if these boys had been playing soccer — Hurstdown 's sporting young gentlemen would surely scorn such a plebeian game — and , sure enough , the boy bringing up the rear , older and taller than the rest and evidently in charge , was clutching a rugby ball to his chest .
27 The East would prefer such a comprehensive approach from the community , rather than a series of bilateral arrangements .
28 Further , young fish will prefer such a shady area .
29 Hello , I am just horrified that a young woman who wanted children presumably , can make such a damn fuss , I really am .
30 Without it , we live unhappily , unaware that God can make such a vast difference to us .
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