Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing to check in the front parlour ; hardly anything to say goodbye to , for the room was empty of furniture and must remain that way until the shops would once again have chairs and sofas and rugs and curtains to sell .
2 Industrial Tribunals may make that decision but the Islington Council certainly is n't going to .
3 ‘ where it is shown to the satisfaction of a rating authority that any amount paid in respect of rates , and not recoverable apart from this section , could properly be refunded on the ground that … ( e ) the person who made a payment in respect of rates was not liable to make that payment , the rating authority may refund that amount or a part thereof .
4 This will not prevent an equitable interest passing to the buyer but the court will not grant specific performance unless the seller 's lien can be fully protected and until paid in full he is entitled to vote the shares as he thinks will best protect his interest .
5 Similarly , in the case of a plant under threat of closure , a strike would make little sense if the company intended moving the stock and machinery elsewhere .
6 If that is how we still feel , then we must recognise that we can only think this way because the Enemy is not threatening us .
7 The 305 , 310 and 320 will ship this quarter and the 10 , 35 , 45 and 330 in the fourth quarter .
8 They may not , for instance , be prepared to risk having any kind of emotional engagement ( I recently worked with a group of headteachers for whom this seemed to be a problem ) ; or they may not trust each other or the teacher ; or the ‘ hidden curriculum , of the group 's own dynamics may cut across the drama 's requirements ( for instance if the strong natural leader within the group is not given her usual leadership function within the fiction ) ; or the group may concentrate too hard on preparing material for ‘ showing ’ so that they miss out almost entirely on ‘ playing the drama game ’ ; or they may dislike drama or really want to perform a play or are simply not in the mood to submit to the experience .
9 It is important that standard spending assessments should recognise that pay and the costs of recruiting and retaining staff are substantially higher in some areas than in others .
10 If your breeder does not do this , ask if you can buy some food that the pup is used to .
11 He revealed earlier that he had no illusions about his chances of persuading US President Bush to lift economic sanctions against South Africa , but he expressed confidence that South Africa could now demonstrate clear evidence that a process of political change had begun , including moves towards negotiations and a new constitution .
12 ‘ Now we can attack this protein and the tumour without destroying other cells .
13 It is obvious , with many patterns , in which direction the pattern should run , but others may need careful scrutiny if the top is not indicated on the selvedge of the fabric .
14 His sweeping yet detailed glance told her he was thoroughly accustomed to the sight of a well-dressed woman , and she knew that in spite of his compliment he would recognise this dress as the countrified imitation of city fashions that it was .
15 If a pension fund transferred is over-funded , the seller will often seek extra consideration or a payment from the acquirer equal to the excess funding net of any tax considerations .
16 The sale will also include fine maiolica and a number of tapestries .
17 The Christian life-style , with its emphasis on the happiness and well-being of others , also brings fulfilment and can yield deeper satisfaction than the wholehearted pursuit of personal ends .
18 YOU ca n't enjoy good beer if the pubs that serve them are badly run or have been modernised in a vulgar and insensitive fashion .
19 Whereas the essence of the previous law was that the threat was required to cause the breach of the peace , now it is enough if the conduct causes a person to believe that there will be violence , which might include continued violence if the scuffle is already in progress when the witness appears on the scene .
20 It logically follows from this that a fit person should need less sleep than an unfit one , or a man than a woman , or a grown-up than a child .
21 For a pair like , say , Chase Manhattan and Chemical Bank , that would free more cash than the two 's combined profits of the past five years .
22 It therefore seems probable that the incidence of chronic radiation enteritis has been generally underestimated ( and may be more than 50% ) , that increased bowel frequency is the most frequent symptom of chronic radiation enteritis , and that most patients with this condition do not seek medical help until the occurrence of a severe complication such as stricture , perforation , or anaemia caused by blood loss .
23 She 'll need more surgery before the condition is completely corrected .
24 In such instances they would need more training until an unexpected sensation does not cause a bad reaction .
25 Do n't worry , Billy , I wo n't stay more than a few hours and by that time I 'll know one way or the other .
26 Finally , on the day that I 'd promised to ring the breeder back and let him know one way or the other , a miracle happened — one of those strokes of luck that seem to come along when you least expect them to .
27 His duty done — that Jarvis would never know one way or the other made no difference in Jasper 's estimation — he went back on to the landing which by now was in darkness .
28 He 'd made the assumption that Sanchez would n't know one way or the other .
29 So I told them what I would do , but once again I 've never been in the situation but this is what I 'll do , said as if they were me own parents make them as comfortable as I could while I 'll cleaned up and give them a bed bath or if they could shower , shower them and erm and get everything back to normal as quick as possible , fine , that were all fine she , and then as , as I got up from it they all said thanks a lot Joy it has been great you really have been great you 've made it easy , we 've got an easy day in front thanks to you , you know you 're bubbly and all this and then when she phoned me on the Sunday she said hello Joy it 's Sue here and I , I said will you let me know one way or the another cos I said I hate being left up in the air
30 For each of these you will need one cone and a papier-mâché or other cheap other cheap ball for the head ( paper-mâché ball are available at most craft shops ) .
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