Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adj] [noun] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 I did say to him once that er I said if you do n't want that ivy I said you chuck it out , chop it down and throw it over my side cos it 's my responsibility
2 . Do you know that card you bought him the duck ?
3 Or did not recognise those plots she had .
4 Yeah do you know those chocolates you had .
5 Let him act any way he wanted .
6 I 'd batter any German who came down our street , and all me neighbours say the same . ’
7 All sorts of different people he said I would never ever buy any beans he said cos of this chappie who used to work they used to unless you change over the tin or something he used to spit in the tins .
8 Let it get gamey and he 's erm Chinese assistant the person who has been assigned to sort of look after him and do his do his translating and things like that took it down and buried it cause they did n't eat rotten meat they did
9 For example , the speaker might make explicit assumptions which had been left implicit in the original , or have contrasted the lecturer 's position with one with which the hearer is more familiar .
10 I said yes why , they can nae do that mister he said it 'll affect all the sensors on the machines oh ah
11 Mind yer , Danny , I ai n't seen nuffink o' Freddie an' 'is pals since that time last year when we was gon na do that job I told yer about .
12 I 'll show that ring I got her as well .
13 Jane says : ‘ By helping homeowners give dignified care we prevented people ending up in large psychiatric hospitals and residential homes . ’
14 We did if I can give some background we did actually target er twelve thousand , five hundred mailer shots for this meeting this evening I 'm not sure what the people here are representing percentage for that and we also targeted over about a hundred organisations with mailing shots telling people the meetings on this evening .
15 He 'd come down and try to get us to translate his prayers into English , or would turn up and recite Koranic verses he 'd half translated with Mahmoud or one of the other English-speakers .
16 Svend thanked her warmly and talked about next year ; she would see the exhibit then , and he would welcome any suggestions she had for its display .
17 I would do any job you wished , and to the very best of my ability , if only you 'd give me the chance . ’
18 and I wish I 'd remember that fella I 'd had , I 'd tell him off
19 ‘ I 'd like that dance you asked for earlier . ’
20 Did you like that story I told you today ?
21 Do you remember this talk we had that was last year .
22 The M and M I did n't like This trick I obtained from Paul Daniels , and my sister the Amazing Avril uses it in her children 's shows .
23 How could she fear this man who cradled her so tenderly , whose much greater strength would only be used to protect her ?
24 A Dauphin in-field helicopter from the Forties field helped pinpoint three crewmen who took to a life raft after their yacht Ambrosia ran into trouble in a North Sea storm .
25 I 've got all different things I do n't like these earphones they hurt my ears .
26 I could remember one case I had , er he 'd be about eight .
27 One reviewer questioned whether the examinations were properly interpreted , and another did not like one test we used .
28 The Princess , dressed simply in a white blouse and dark skirt , was draped with crimson flower garlands as she flew over Mount Everest in a helicopter , 40 years after a British-sponsored expedition became the first to reach the summit of the world 's highest mountain.As she flew past the snowy peak a relative of a Nepalese climber who accompanied Sir Edmund Hillary up Everest in 1953 was leading a seven-member Australian team up the mountain.Although the Princess did not see any climbers she told fellow passengers aboard her Super Puma helicopter that she had a wonderful time seeing the mountain through clear skies .
29 Most of the children said they could n't remember any bits they liked ; eventually , with much prompting and nagging , everyone came up with something .
30 Why was it , Sally-Anne thought when she went forward to take it , that this pitiful sum seemed more precious to her than her huge allowance which she could claim any day she wished ?
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