Example sentences of "[vb infin] [noun] and [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I hope that he will be speedy with it so that we can make progress and that he will not read from the document before him .
2 Stanley has been going to Scourie for more than twenty years and knows every single blade of grass and stone , by name ; he can take you to a loch and point out precisely where you will catch fish and where you wo n't , to the inch , and Stanley is never wrong .
3 The last three may be combined in so-called grand unified theories , or GUTs , which are not very satisfactory because they do not include gravity and because they contain a number of quantities , like the relative masses of different particles , that can not be predicted from the theory but have to be chosen to fit observations .
4 All the sporting figures who appear on the programme — and they include most major stars — know they can trust Coleman and that he will not embarrass them .
5 If an insolvency practitioner is appointed as interim receiver , he must give security and if he fails to do so and keep it up , then he can be discharged as interim receiver ( rr 6.54 and 6.55 ) .
6 ‘ He 's taught me , and is still teaching me , so many things about football and about when you can do things and when you ca n't .
7 I can only give evidence and if they do n't believe my evidence , he 's innocent .
8 ‘ He kept asking where he could send flowers and whether it would be better to send them to the hospital or to here if she was coming home . ’
9 The labour master explained that on admission he had told Connolly to break 1 cwt. of stone , and had received the information that Connolly did not break stones and that he , the labour master , could break the stones himself .
10 Among 37 animal types , you 'll see chamois and if you 're lucky , ibex .
11 He did n't like children and when I got older I stopped going .
12 I certainly advise you to keep asking questions throughout because as I say although they 're speaking in a very very general way the often slip up and give you a particular that you can take advantage and if you lead them on then the more information is available to you .
13 Can now , can we actually move on a bit because , that has been very valuable what you said , but in fairness to Mr Maxwell it also has to be said does n't it that up until he stole these assets er this process of throwing organisations , peoples monies into a spin dryer and pulling them out of different sort of sequences was something he regularly did and we 've had witnesses to say how well he did manage the funds and how they grew , whether when they should sell stock and when they should n't sell stock and so on .
14 The government has at last acknowledged that ‘ disappearances ’ do take place and that it is a problem which needs addressing , and Amnesty International expects to be submitting cases for investigation by the Commission .
15 Drill will , at best , produce learning and as we have seen , this is only a short term cure .
16 ‘ Well , the received opinion seems to be that you should have sex and that it 's not all right not to have it .
17 Realising these advantages assumes that DHAs do have bargaining leverage over providers , that they do have choices and that they are given the freedom to make them .
18 Labour leaders in the USA claimed that NAFTA would destroy jobs and that it offered little concrete provision for retraining .
19 Agents do n't want deadwood and if they are interested in you it is because they feel they can sell you into the market , so that you can go on and make money both for yourself and them .
20 Neutralizing involves giving the employee work where their weaknesses can not cause problems and where they get a chance to use whatever strengths they possess .
21 So and he will ask questions and if I do n't know how to answer them I 'll have
22 The stock in trade of the psychologist is to understand some of the causal determinants of motivations and to show when conscious intentions really do cause behaviour and when they do not .
23 Bring the very best reason you can against why you should not accept Christ and once you put it under the ga , under the scrutiny it just disintegrates .
24 Our own experience from several of the projects that we 've been looking at which are in-service type projects , is that when we do train teachers and when we do put an investment in it , we see the pay-off in the schools that physical science does get done in schools , it is fun and it is exciting .
25 Our own experience from several of the projects that we 've been looking at which are in-service type projects , is that when we do train teachers and when we do put an investment in it , we see the pay-off in the schools that physical science does get done in schools , it is fun and it is exciting .
26 But brave enough to go and fight fires and but he would n't stop in with himself .
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