Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If a charging unit is suddenly confronted by emerging Fanatics , leaving Fanatics in front of the chargers and between them and their target unit , then the chargers can either remain halted or complete their charge .
2 ‘ She … she did n't want to go and see him ; she just wanted somebody to tell her he was alive and , what seemed important was , how she was going to tell his people what had happened to him and where he was .
3 Do you want to go and see him ? ’
4 And er they used to say , Do n't you want to go and see what you 've got ?
5 Do you want to go and see what 's going on in the sitting room ?
6 Do you want to go and get something to eat , then .
7 Do you want to go and get your aeroplane , cos I can sit at the table and colour with one hand , and make aeroplanes with the other .
8 It had not occurred to him that Jessica 's behaviour might have put a suitor off , more that Parr would want to go and smack her cheeky face , as he would have done .
9 Well you might want to go and ask him er about it because he 'll be presumably your , your , your personal tutor as well so erm you may be able to get some more er you know , some , some , something off him you know kind of what he thought of your essay or something like that
10 Punc punctuation do you want to try and do you want to just write it down .
11 So will more than likely be off next week , but I do want to try and get something done with this and some of the other accounts , I want to try and get them out the way before I
12 You do n't want to under- or over-estimate your strength .
13 ‘ Do you want to come and meet somebody ? ’
14 Hepzibah said , ‘ Only natural that he should want to come and pay his last respects to his sister . ’
15 ‘ When do you want to come and pick it up ? ’
16 After all the tubes had gone my family came to see her , before that they did n't want to come and see her .
17 Er are you intending to , do you want to come and see me now , or do you wan na watch video ?
18 Did McLeish want to come and see it , in situ , because they would have to move it when Forensic had finished ?
19 Do you want to come and see it on mine ?
20 Hello do you want to come and join us ?
21 We 'll just looking at the big book together do you want to come and join us ?
22 A , you might not want to come and join my company in the first place
23 I ca n't wait to go and try them out on Liam ! ’
24 So then I 'll need to go and get my pads and my bandages so that I can put this right , you 'll need two of these for this bandage , the first one , you open out so that the pad is going to go into the palm of her hand and that over the top and she is going to grab hold of the other one like that , okay , now we 've got the wad in there and she 's hanging on to it , but it was the sterile part of the bandage as I undid it that went on to the wound , there is no time for dressing here is there ?
25 Argyris ( 1957 ) suggests that whilst the individual may seek to actualise or achieve his or her full potential the organisation does not always allow this to happen .
26 What they must do is relearn to choose and commit themselves to the consequences of their choice .
27 For this to happen , cities will need to discuss and plan their events with television companies in order to ensure maximum mutual benefit .
28 There 's a form on pp. 68–71 that gives a list of the main things that you 'll need to cover when preparing one .
29 An application to the court for judicial review of the Minister 's decision was not the appropriate means by which the council should seek to ventilate or pursue its differences of opinion with the Minister .
30 Now that these two companies are offering both domestic and export credit insurance , they will both seek to protect and consolidate their position with their good quality policyholders by ousting their competitor .
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