Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [noun] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably , unforeseen difficulties will arise to inhibit progress towards some targets .
2 I do n't want to see Sarah in that way , and I would n't want her to see me in that kind of light either . ’
3 Here you will not get a test , but they will often want to see proof of any qualifications that you may have .
4 And she would want to see monitoring of any pubs admitting children , with premises carefully vetted before permission to let in youngsters was granted .
5 I am sure that the hon. Gentleman , who is a responsible Member of Parliament , would not want to mislead people in this matter .
6 You may not want to risk breeding from such a mare , especially if she is getting on in years .
7 He was also unhappy about Pound 's own obstinacy and arrogance in the matter of his eventual release ; he was raising objections to schemes that seemed perfectly sound and , as Eliot told his daughter , " I fear your father does not want to accept freedom on any terms that are possible " .
8 As a result , while the Authority can justifiably take much of the credit for the transformation of certain aspects of primary education in Leeds which PNP began to yield , it may also need to accept responsibility for some of PNP 's manifest weaknesses .
9 So indeed we do not need to rewrite applications for each different type of device or user .
10 Does er we need to know things like that and if you
11 A good industrial photographer will not be particularly good at portrait work and a fashion photographer will probably not know how to handle food , so if all these areas are represented by the activities of your company or client organisation you will need to find photographers in each field .
12 Someone in charge of the scheme will need to establish contact with both parties to assess how things are working out .
13 If you intend to insert subtitles at a later editing stage ( rather than superimposing them live at the time of shooting ) , you will need to reserve space for these on the tape by shooting overlength material which can subsequently be erased and over-recorded by the insert .
14 However , a theory which was recognizably utilitarian in spirit might seek to give priority in some way to the prevention of suffering over that of the promotion of happiness .
15 It would need to delegate attention to this task to one or more of its members and to support them in it .
16 Well I could n't take I could n't do nowt about it at all so I went to see t head of firm and Aye , he says , it 's bad , he says , we do n't know to do things like that .
17 Only an eccentric would consider spending £1,000 on such a course for fun , and the company would probably refuse to accept such a trainee .
18 Please note that we can not guarantee to keep tickets beyond these deadlines .
19 In practical terms , one does not need to consider winds of less than Force 5 .
20 Of course , it was forbidden to form parties : but in Ajdabiya and Kufra people did not consider giving support to another , voting for him , because they agreed with his ideas .
21 To what extent students on such a degree would also need to read poetry in another language is a difficult question .
22 On the evidence before the court the interim government certainly does not qualify having regard to any of the three important factors .
23 Dear Mrs Woodward … she was a neighbour who did n't really need to send presents at all but she liked the girls and had n't any children of her own .
24 Although it is realised that many of those teaching in London are also associated with outer counties it was suggested that London teachers might consider taking responsibility for this year 's Reunion .
25 ‘ I did some thinking ’ Mo said ‘ and I figured I did n't need to call DC after all .
26 It will clearly seek to control behaviour in such a way as to attempt to ensure that the publicity is good .
27 However , if as a pure value judgement the government considers that this distribution of income-earning potential is inequitable , the government will need to raise taxes from some people in order to provide subsidies for others .
28 I hope that my right hon. Friends will consider finding time for such legislation when they penetrate the meaning of that wonderful phrase , ’ Further measures will be laid before you . ’
29 You will need to have confidence in those who are running the group interview .
30 what 's happening is that the membership handbook should have been out last week but I think it 's actually going out physically today and I 've done a reminder which 'll be mailed out with it erm making one or two little pointed remarks about blah blah blah this is a very important event and please note it is not in Edinburgh you know erm S S K are very supportive of us we should you know take advantage of this very important
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