Example sentences of "[to-vb] whether [adj] [noun] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 This project aims to discover whether similar results can be established for an economy in which money has a more significant function .
2 In essence it is an internal management tool to identify potential liabilities , to highlight whether environmental performance can be improved and to indicate where financial savings can be made .
3 It is tempting to speculate whether Local Government will only reassert its traditional independence from excessive Central Government control by finding some way of becoming much less reliant on Central Government grants .
4 The new section 25A laid a responsibility upon the court to consider whether financial obligations should be terminated and to make orders designed to enable the spouse to adjust without due hardship to the termination of financial dependence on the other spouse .
5 Here a balance has to be struck between the economic need for minerals and the interests of amenity , and it is relevant ( and indeed essential ) to consider whether economic needs can be satisfactorily met from other sources with less damage to amenity .
6 The Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether potential jurors may be excluded from a case because of their sex .
7 The police committee is asked to consider whether local government should begin to contribute towards Victim Support schemes .
8 The government placed the amnesty decree before the Constitutional Tribunal ( the highest body for legal interpretation ) on Oct. 20 , asking it to determine whether criminal indictments should be lodged against military personnel .
9 The new project aims to rectify these shortcomings , establishing a system for documenting washed-up mammals , assessing the cause of death , and attempting to determine whether polluted waters may be a factor .
10 The case law subsequent to Ridge v. Baldwin has used a variety of criteria to determine whether natural justice should be applied .
11 : To determine whether definitional overlap can distinguish between semantically related and unrelated word pairs .
12 Equally , the lack of pressure for land has meant , in contrast to LDDC , that MDC has not had to decide whether existing firms should be forced to quit the area .
13 Last year the Countryside Commission called for an inquiry to decide whether recreational vehicles should be banned on Sundays and Bank Holidays on the stretch between Streatley in Berkshire to Overton Hill .
14 Although , as seen above , some courts have persisted in a form of prior categorisation to decide whether natural justice should be applicable , many courts have eschewed such labels .
15 A further series of experiments was performed to assess whether colonic bacteria could contribute to measured metabolism .
16 Coun Christopher Curry , of Broadgreen , asked Liverpool City Council to investigate whether acoustic insulation could be installed in properties fronting the road .
17 It would perhaps be unusual for expulsion to follow as a matter of course under this head without some discussion with the invalid to see whether other arrangements might be made and the real object of including this as a ground for expulsion is to remove doubt on all sides as to when such delicate matters are liable to be brought up for discussion in the context of early retirement .
18 We shall have to reconsider how Darwin 's theory should be applied to animal fighting , to see whether natural selection might in some circumstances favour animals that avoid aggressive conflict .
19 The aim of the present study was therefore to assess splenic function in chronic alcoholics , and to see whether functional hyposplenism might be a contributory factor in their predisposition to infection .
20 It is crucial to develop realistic shock models to see whether plausible parameters can be found which give the correct behaviour of the observed emission .
21 We use Graham Allison 's Bureaucratic Politics model to see whether foreign policy can be convincingly portrayed as the result of bureaucratic bargaining .
22 Of course in he many years later to debate whether other alternatives could have been adopted .
23 To test whether definitional overlap could contribute to such an application , it is necessary to show that where genuine semantic relationships are present between word pairs , the technique is sensitive to them .
24 A belated but growing recognition of both of these problems has seen the development of some special initiatives designed to relieve them ; it is too early to tell whether sentencing trends can be reversed but there are early indicators with the under-21s , who are being especially targeted by the probation service in offering courts non-custodial options , that are encouraging .
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