Example sentences of "[to-vb] mr [noun prp] [conj] his " in BNC.

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1 At the moment it was the traditional tale of going up to Jackson 's at 10 in the morning after an all-night session at Dobell 's — wine we drank in those days , Poppet , wine that was wine not this filthy MUCK — and demanding double portions of oysters all round and when it came to pay no one had a penny , so Dobell , who even then still had the charm of a boy of twenty , and a slim waist to go with it , said he would bring in one of the engravings from his collection , and Gaston , who always recognised a gentleman — not like the CLODS who run hostelries nowadays — with tears in his eyes said it was an honour , an honour to serve Mr Dobell and his friends .
2 Until Mr Kempton died in May 1989 , the inspector made a number of unsuccessful efforts to arrange to interview Mr Kempton and his wife .
3 ‘ It took us some time to trace Mr Maxwell since his business interests take him all over the States .
4 So AT&T is trying to oust Mr Exley and his board , which includes some of the people it once hoped would run its own computer business .
5 To complete their picture the local authorities had to discredit Mr M and his work with the family .
6 The application was for an injunction to stop Mr Woodall and his partner using the name ‘ champagne ’ , pending a full trial hearing .
7 Mr Bragge was applying for an injunction on behalf of French champagne producers Taittinger and the champagne growers ' association , to prevent Mr Woodall and his partner , Mr Ray Bevan , 39 , selling their product in bottles labelled ‘ champagne ’ .
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