Example sentences of "[to-vb] in [coord] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 You know , usually I got to go in and tuck her in and that .
2 It would be preposterous — and cruel besides — not to go in and comfort her a little .
3 Well we 'll get the specialist to go in and see her and see what he makes of her , see if he can get her back on her feet .
4 He said she was to go to Ludgate Circus , stand on the south corner of Fleet Street at 6.30 p.m. and wait for a cab to pull in and pick her up .
5 Lately however Alison , and sometimes Irina , had decided to walk in and join her , no doubt , as Franca felt , to cheer up the ‘ lonely old creature ’ ; and , in the case of Alison , perhaps to set scenes for some ‘ statement ’ which she felt that Franca might wish to , or indeed ought to , make .
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