Example sentences of "[to-vb] over the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ross Wyndham was all that she had tried so hard to forget — and more : tall , lean , dark and almost painfully attractive , his tanned skin darkened further by the thick black hair , which was swept back like a lion 's mane over his well-shaped head before sweeping down to curl over the top edge of his collar .
2 There was little spring in the ancient planks and Miss Barnsdale towered beside the box horse , ready to yank at the arms of any child who did n't manage to leap over the rough leather back first time .
3 There was a mixture of the formal and the informal about it ; the Keeper of Zoology in the 1810s was wont from time to time to leap over the stuffed animals .
4 More birds , more shufflings , more rings to slip over the pink-grey legs with their webbed feet .
5 The top layer of fabric tends to slip over the bottom layer while under the pressure foot , so carefully machine the seam over the needles and tacking , following the direction of the nap ( i.e. , the direction in which the pile is lying ) .
6 He came to stoop over the trussed man , tested his bonds with a fierce and agonising tug .
7 Perhaps the real reason for the temporary arrangements at Stretford Bridge was to enable trains to be run between there and Bishop 's Castle before agreement to work over the joint line had been reached .
8 They arrived at the edge of the trees just in time to see Angel One advance to stand over the sprawled figure of Brett Grant .
9 Four more applications were received yesterday and the total of 15 is expected to increase over the next day or two .
10 As the EADT reported last month , the number of fundholders in Essex is set to soar over the next year .
11 It takes nerve to haggle over the small print if you are told that your new colleagues have worked under similar terms for years without batting an eyelid .
12 Gerard handed Katherine her cup , and Mr Lee took a certain small pleasure in allowing him to pass over the second cup , even though he could have easily reached out and taken it .
13 A new bridge has just been completed to enable the railway to pass over the new Metrolink .
14 While it would be churlish to pass over the considerable tree planting effort already wrought in the central belt by the trust , the results of a three-year research project undertaken at the University of Edinburgh reveal little evidence that the needs and wants of local people have provided the vehicle for environmental change .
15 Compaq has set UnixWare some milestones to meet over the coming months .
16 Sometimes the ghee ( clarified butter ) which was offered to pour over the plain rice was kept there along with big spoons for dishing up .
17 After all , his impulsive invitation — made largely , she guessed , so that Faye and Bill could be alone for the evening to talk over the difficult issues of the amniocentesis — was not on a par with his dates with Marise or Paula .
18 At bottom this division is based on the fact that he is at one and the same time part of the natural order — along with the elements , plants and animals — yet also a spiritual and personal being who feels a destiny and calling to rule over the natural world .
19 Twiceover Micky will be there , for I know he likes it , leaving it until tomorrow night to preside over the first night of The Hamburg Ballet , one of the great ballet companies of the world , which he has sold his soul and what else only his God knows to cajole to Belfast , its first-ever visit to these islands .
20 Agostinho Neto , politician and poet , the leader of the MPLA , is about to preside over the new state , but two enemy armies are converging on the capital , Luanda : the FNLA under Holden Roberto and Unita under Jonas Savimbi .
21 The meal was hardly over when Mr Heath flew to Sunningdale by helicopter to preside over the last stage of the conference on the future of Northern Ireland .
22 And Dr Frome was clearly not willing to smooth over the terrible event , to refrain from raking over the coals .
23 In every case the draftsman should consider whether the plan is to prevail over the verbal description or vice versa .
24 Talks on privatising Deutsche Bundespost Telekom have entered a critical phase , with a key decision due next month , Germany 's postal and telecommunications minister Wolfgang Bosch told Reuter at Hannover on Friday : ‘ In a few weeks we will know whether or not there will be a change to the constitution , ’ he said , noting that decision will not only affect privatisation of Telekom but also Bonn 's position at the upcoming talks with the European Commission — an agreement on privatisation would pave the way for Bonn to approve the Community plan to open domestic and international telephone calls to competition ; the current strategy to get agreement from Germany 's opposition socialists is to win over the postal union , which so far rejects turning Telekom into a joint stock company for fear of massive job losses .
25 In a more combative address , which would have helped to win over the uncommitted vote , Mr Yegor Gaidar , the architect of the shock therapy programme , said preconditions for rapid economic growth comparable to Western Europe after the 1939-45 War had been created .
26 In a more combative address , which would have helped to win over the uncommitted vote , Mr Yegor Gaidar , the architect of the shock therapy programme , said preconditions for rapid economic growth comparable to Western Europe after the 1939-45 War had been created .
27 Tory agent Kathy Lever said : ‘ Our vote is holding up well and we will be going flat out over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters . ’
28 I expect demand for this service to continue to grow over the coming year .
29 Despite the penalties the recession and the increasingly sophisticated technology used by counterfeiters mean unlike the dinosaur this is a problem which wo n't go away but threatens to grow over the coming months .
30 An increasing number of ex-Service personnel and their dependants are now reaching the age when they require some form of supportive housing , and this number will continue to grow over the next decade .
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