Example sentences of "[to-vb] between [pers pn] and [art] " in BNC.

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1 Fergus had fallen back across the table and Taliesin and Fribble both moved to stand between him and the Lad .
2 Though this may sound childish — and I was in fact childish in many ways , as young women are who have never had to shift for themselves but have always had someone to stand between them and the world — it did , in fact , help me to behave better to Nonni , who was not stupid at all in matters of feeling , and easy to hurt .
3 Unfortunately Nut began to suffer from vertigo so Re provided pillars to hold her up and instructed Shu , the air , to stand between her and the earth .
4 Satan had swerved sharply to pass between them and the fence .
5 At one point , her sister , who was there with her , was almost asked to choose between her and the baby .
6 The instruction books refer to it as a 2x2 rib but most people call it a 2x1 rib to differentiate between it and a true 2x2 rib , which we will come to late .
7 Afterwards she parted the curtains and came out naked to lift the unsleeping , finely aware child back into bed , to lie between her and the man lying open-mouthed in post-coital sleep .
8 The sky clears in the childbirth sequence because of Shatov 's sublime murmurings about the arrival of a new human being , but also because the midwife has her sleeves rolled up , because she is attacking a difficult and strenuous professional job , organizing essentials , masterminding the whole exercise , scolding Marie Shatov who allowed Shatov to get between her and the family in which she was a governess ‘ with the egotistical object of marrying you , laughing at the distraught husband on his knees unable either to bear the sound or block his ears before the birth ; and when all is tidied up , ‘ after some pleasant–es about ‘ the happy couple' ’ which were not without a touch of contempt and superciliousness , she went away as well satisfied as before . ’
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